Church Communications Director Job Description Example

Read our detailed Church Communications Director job description example to learn key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills needed for this vital church role.

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Here at JustChurchJobs we know how important it is to have your job descriptions and roles clearly outlined with expectations for each role to follow. Any kind of business needs to have their roles properly outlined with a list of expectations that they have in place in order to keep their business running smoothly and efficiently to grow exponentially. In the same way a church must do the same and have their roles and expectations clearly outlined as to keep the church running smoothly and efficiently to grow exponentially, spiritually, and to grow and make disciples of Jesus in the surrounding community.

What is a Church Communications Director?

A church communications director sounds like the church tech director, but the church communications director’s sole responsibility is to work with the communications of the church. They are the ones making sure that the live broadcasts of the church are being put online for those to see who cannot make it, they make sure that the sermons are being recorded and uploaded to wherever the church uploads their sermons to, and they make sure that the church is staying up to date on announcements for each ministry and relaying said announcements to the church congregation to keep them in the know.

Responsibilities of a Church Communications Director

The responsibilities of this role are to ensure that the messages are recorded and actively broadcasted live to those who want to watch it live or watch it at another time. They are tasked with overseeing the volunteers of the media to ensure a service without technical difficulties to the best of their ability. They are also tasked with working closely with the other staff to advertise events for each part of the church that may be holding events through announcements before, during, and after services as well as on the churches online platforms.

Church Communications Director Job Description Example

Here is a short example of a job description for a campus pastor based on other job descriptions posted by people to our site in their search for a church communications director:

Our church is looking for a candidate to fill our Church Communications Director role and first and foremost we are looking for a candidate who feels that they are being led into this role by God to serve Him and our church. We are also looking for a candidate who has the desire and passion for people in the church and outside of the church who watch the services online and has a passion for making the services accessible to those who cannot be there due to their circumstances. Our candidate needs to be an effective communicator and a strong Biblical leader who can work technology to keep our online platforms up to date with our announcements and our messages.

What you will be doing:

Overseeing the online platforms of the church

Advertising church events through the announcements

Overseeing the recording and live stream of the church service

Working with volunteers to make sure that the live stream and recording of the service is as clear and smooth as possible.

Qualities and skills needed:

A heart for the gospel and Jesus

Relevant education and experience

Clear and direct communication skills

The ability to Biblically lead a group of volunteers

A passion to reach those who cannot make it to the physical service

A heart for the local community

Skills in using technological live streaming and recording platforms

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a communications director do?

The communications director of the church is to simply do just that, direct the communications of the church. This includes the overseeing of the media team as they work in recording and broadcasting the services to those who are unable to leave home due to extenuating circumstances so those who cannot be there physically can still be a part of and actively participate in the culture of the church.

What does a communications director oversee?

A communications director oversees whatever volunteers they have working to make sure the live stream and recording of the services runs as smoothly as possible and oversees the actual live streams and recordings themselves directing the volunteers as needed. They also oversee all the church announcements.

What qualifications do I need to be a communications director?

You need relevant education and experience to land this role usually needing a 4-year bachelor’s degree in communications or digital communications.

We are here a JustChurchJobs hope that this article and short job description are helpful to you and at the very least hope that this article has helped you to develop your own job description and set of expectations as you continue in your pursuit for the right candidate to fill your Christian education role within your church. As always, we are here to help however we can!

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