Family Pastor Job Description Example

Read our detailed Family Pastor job description example to learn key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills needed for this vital church role.

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Here at JustChurchJobs we know that it is important to have your job descriptions and roles clearly outlined with a list of your expectations for each role to abide by. Any kind of business needs to have their roles clearly outlined with a list of expectations that they have in place in order to keep their business running smoothly and efficiently. In the same way a church must do the same and have their roles and expectations clearly outlined as to keep the church running smoothly and efficiently to grow and thrive spiritually and to grow and make disciples of Jesus.

What is a Family Pastor?

The family pastor oversees all things that have to do with the family dynamic within the church. Whether it’s pre-marital counseling, marriage crisis/marriage counseling, or familial counseling, the family pastor oversees all of that. They are at the forefront of the familial health within the congregation of the church, and they usually are interacting with all the members within a family. They are an essential role in making sure that the health of the family dynamic within the church is spiritually healthy.

Family Pastor Responsibilities

The role of the family pastor has several responsibilities. They may be tasked with normal pastoral duties such as visiting those of the congregation or attending weddings and funerals. But more so their daily objectives fall more on the counseling side of things. They may be tasked with the pre-marital counseling of a couple getting ready to be married or they may also be tasked with martial dispute counseling or with familial dispute counseling. They oversee every aspect of the family and focus on the health of the family between couples, parents, kids, or both parents and kids.

Family Pastor Job Description Example

Here is a short example of a job description for a campus pastor based on other job descriptions posted by people to our site in their search for a family pastor:

Our church is looking to fill a family pastor position for our church. First and foremost, we want our candidate to feel that they are being led by God to serve as a family pastor with our church and feel that this is where God is leading them. We also believe that the candidate should have very good communication skills as to be a clear and effective communicator and have experience in the counseling department as a lot of what they will be doing revolves around counseling. They also need to have a passion and desire for the spiritual health of the family and have a heart for every member of the family. We also want our candidate to be prepared to also potentially teach and preach on a Sunday morning occasionally.

What you will be doing:

Teaching and preaching occasionally

Overseeing the spiritual health of the families within the church

Overseeing counseling sessions with couples, parents, kids, or all at the same time

Overseeing and planning family events within the church specifically tailored to every part of the family

Qualities and skills needed:

A heart for the gospel and Jesus

Relevant education and experience

Clear and direct communication skills

Biblical leadership skills

A heart for the families of the church

A heart of joy to serve and help families find healing

A passion for families of all ages

Frequently Asked Questions:

What does a family pastor do?

As mentioned above, the family pastor’s role is to oversee and lead the families of the church and bring aid and wisdom to help parents in every stage of their lives whether that is through pre-marital counseling, parenting seminars for newborns, toddlers, children, and teens, and holding other familial counseling services dedicated to serving the families. Most of the times, the family pastor may also aid in the overseeing and leading of other roles that involve families directly such as the children’s pastor and the youth pastor.

What does a family pastor oversee and lead?

A family pastor will oversee anything related to the families of the church through family events, counseling sessions, and family health. They also may oversee a group of volunteers who help to lead out the events that the family pastor leads and plans.

What qualifications do I need to become a family pastor?

In order to become a family pastor, you should have relevant education and experience with at least a 4-year bachelor’s degree in a related ministry major or counseling major. Having experience in counseling would be very helpful to have.

We are here a JustChurchJobs hope that this article and short job description are helpful to you and at the very least hope that this article has helped you to develop your own job description and set of expectations as you continue in your pursuit for the right candidate to fill your Christian education role within your church. As always, we are here to help however we can!

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