Youth Pastor Job Description Example

Read our detailed Youth Pastor job description example to learn key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills needed for this vital church role.

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In your search for the right candidate to fill the position of youth pastor in your church, one of the most important steps of the candidate hiring process is having a clear definition of the youth pastor role laid out for the candidate. This not only gives them a list of certain skills and qualifications that you are looking for, but also establishes expectations of what a candidate would be doing within a role.

We here at JustChurchJobs understand the importance of defining roles within your church. Defining roles not only sets expectations for what each role within the church does, but it also keeps the church running smoothly avoiding any unnecessary confusion. It’s hard to do a job if you don’t know what is expected of you or if you don’t know your responsibilities. We at JustChurchJobs want you to be able have a clear-cut job description for you to be able to set your expectations for any candidate you’re looking at to fill your youth pastor position. So, without further ado let’s get started on a clear job description to help you in your search for the right candidate.

Responsibilities of a Youth Pastor

The role of the youth pastor is heavily involved with, of course, the youth of the church and as such they are constantly planning events, teaching, and outside events such as summer camps and retreats to keep the youth engaged and coming back to the church and keep the students spiritually fed and growing. They are also actively engaged in the overseeing of the planning and execution of curriculum designed especially for the students of the church and the planning of different programs to keep the students engaged in the youth group of the church.

The role of the youth pastor is also heavily involved with the parents of the youth as well. The youth pastor will need to be in constant contact with the parents of the youth in making sure that the parents are aware of the events that are happening to get the youth involved and other things like student serving opportunities other outside events like fall retreats or summer camps. The youth pastor needs to be sure that they are keeping the parents involved in every aspect of the youth ministry.

The youth pastor may also need to fulfill typical pastoral care needs such as home visits, weddings, and attending funerals and even sometimes speaking to the main congregation of the church. As they are the youth pastor, they are not very involved with every other ministry as a senior pastor may be. However, they may be called to helping other areas of the church, for example they may be called on to help with events that other ministries put on such as a Vacation Bible School that the children’s director may pull staff into.

Youth Pastor Job Description Example

Here is a quick job description example that we here at JustChurchJobs wanted to provide to you to get you started based on some of the job descriptions that can be found posted on our site:

Our church is looking for a youth pastor to candidate who has the drive and dedicated passion to make disciples of Jesus by growing and raising up the next generation of Christ followers. We believe that the candidate should display Biblical leadership qualities, be able to communicate clearly and effectively to not only the students but the parents as well, be able to manage a team of volunteers, and be committed to the spiritual growth of the youth and their parents together.

What you will be doing:

Teaching and preaching to the youth of the church

Actively engaging with and planning events for the youth

Developing curriculum for the teaching of the youth

Overseeing and leading a group of volunteers

Working closely with the parents of the youth

Qualities and skills needed:

A heart for the gospel and Jesus

A passion to work with the youth of the church

Effective Biblical leadership skills

Effective communication skills

A heart of humility and joy

A desire to lead and build up the youth of the church

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a youth pastor do?

The role of the youth pastor is to be actively engaged and involved with the youth of the church through the planning and holding of events specifically for the youth of the church. They oversee the planning and execution of curriculum designed especially for the students of the church and the planning of different programs to keep the students engaged in the youth group of the church.

What kind of experience does a youth pastor need?

The role of the youth pastor in a lot of churches is typically seen as the entry level position where most young pastors start off. The only usual experience required to be a senior pastor is a 4-year ministry-based bachelor’s degree.

Who does a youth pastor oversee?

The role of the youth pastor oversees all the youth of the church and helps in overseeing all the parents as well working in tandem with multiple other roles of the church to oversee the parents. The youth pastor also oversees all the volunteers who serve within the student ministry.

We at JustChurchJobs hope that this short job description and outlining some frequently asked questions will help for you to set your own expectations for what you are looking for in your youth pastor candidate! As always, we are here to help any way that we can!

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