Crossway Church jobs

Vicksburg, Mississippi

About Crossway Church

Crossway Church is located in Vicksburg, MS, and averages 400 attendees on Sunday mornings in two identical services at 9:00 and 10:30 am .  Crossway holds high-energy, modern services where our goal is to disciple our members and reach people and change lives for Christ throughout our community. 


Our church's mission, given to us by Jesus, is to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ' (Matthew 28:19 NIV).  As a church, our hope is that in everything we do, our church values (Same Team/ Same Mission, Bring Your Best, Do Life Together, and Pursue the One) will guide our decisions and our ministries to accomplish this mission.

Open Positions

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Vicksburg, Mississippi

Baptist: SBC

Church Size
300-500 people

Social Media Accounts