Westminster Presbyterian Church jobs

Muncie, Indiana

About Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and a member of the Central Indiana Presbytery. At Westminster, we believe that the person and work of Jesus Christ is the foundation and goal of every aspect of life! Through his life, death on a cross, and resurrection, we receive the love of God, a love which satisfies our soul's deepest longings. Through the person and work of Jesus Christ, we gain access to all of the promises of God: his promises of presence, protection, and provision. And through Jesus Christ, we have hope: hope in this life and hope for the life to come. Watch the video below from our pastor to learn how our weekly worship services shape us more and more toward Jesus.

Since Jesus Christ is the foundation and goal of life, at Westminster we want to be a Christ-centered community. For us, this means that the person and work of Jesus Christ is central to who we are, to how we do church, and to how we do life. It's also why we seek to share this good news about Jesus. Since he alone grants us access to the soul-satisfying love of God, we want everyone to know the peace and hope which comes through him. We want to be a Christ-centered community that advances the gospel.

Lastly, we organize our advancement of the gospel around three primary themes: worship, discipleship, and service. 

Open Positions

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Muncie, Indiana

Presbyterian: PCA

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