Ada Christian Reformed Church jobs

Ada, Michigan

About Ada Christian Reformed Church

Ada Christian Reformed Church is a Christ-centered community of brothers and sisters in Christ—a family. As such, people find loving support, caring comfort, and friends to walk with through life. Together, as a community of young and old, long-term church goers and those new to Christ, they grow in their faith and discover the amazing hope found in Jesus. Recently, the Council prayerfully discerned that the next chapter of life and ministry for the church best be characterized by a renewed commitment to penetrate the community with the Gospel. Towards that end, they adopted five “Kingdom Values” that they hope will shape the ministries of the congregation and serve as a standard for leadership and decision-making. These values are Others, not only

Us; Unexpected Generosity; Kingdom before Comfort; Mission, not Membership; Focused on Neighbors. Changing Lives. The Council, with the Congregation, now await the arrival of their next Senior Pastor to guide the congregation into this vision of the future.

The ministry is supported by a 5.5 acres campus with three separate buildings. One includes a lovely sanctuary and remodeled lobby. A second provides space for administration and

education. A parsonage currently is home for an Afghan refugee family. The Senior Pastor has the privilege of working with a staff that includes a Commissioned Pastor, Coordinator of

Worship Arts, and Office Coordinator. The annual budget is $250,000.

Open Positions

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Ada, Michigan


Church Size
100-200 people

Social Media Accounts