Cornerstone Church jobs

Uxbridge, Massachusetts

About Cornerstone Church

Vision and Mission of Cornerstone Church 

Our mission: In order to align ourselves with the Great Commission recorded in Matthew 28:18-20, this Church will be committed to an outward focus by placing the needs of those who are not yet followers of Christ ahead of the needs of those who are. We summarize the idea this way, “Another for Christ at any cost to us!” 

Our vision: To exalt Christ by making disciples who transform our community and the nations with the power of God’s word, and the life changing message of the gospel; to make disciples of Christ who make disciples of Christ. 

Our means: The means of making devoted followers of Christ at Cornerstone are by establishing and maintaining gospel-centered Worship, Outreach, Relationships and Discipleship.

Open Positions

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Uxbridge, Massachusetts


Church Size
300-500 people

Social Media Accounts