University Presbyterian Church jobs

Austin, Texas

About University Presbyterian Church

ROOTED in Worship, GROWING through Education and Service, CONNECTING to Campus and Community. At University Presbyterian Church, we believe in discerning and living out our Christian discipleship through our actions, talents, thoughts, and relationships. UPC is an urban church one block from the campus of the University of Texas and near Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Both of these academic communities have been integral parts of our church’s life. Our members come from metropolitan Austin, some of them driving thirty miles to participate in our life together. Gathered each Sunday around the formative messages of font, table, and the Word read and preached, we are reminded once again of who and Whose we are and are empowered to go back into our everyday lives to be a telling presence of God’s Good News shown to us through the life and witness of Jesus Christ.

Open Positions

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Austin, Texas

Presbyterian: PCA

Church Size
300-500 people

Social Media Accounts