Oak Grove Church jobs

Shellsburg, Iowa

About Oak Grove Church

The purpose of Oak Grove Church is to “Reach, teach, and live out what it means to be wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ.” We carry out this vision by implementing our values through Christ-centered, Biblical teaching, prayerful leadership, nurturing and caring relationships, and utilizing our spiritual gifts in ways that assist the body and bring glory to the Lord.

Oak Grove Church is a body of about 130-150 people that is poised to grow exponentially. We draw from quite a number of smaller towns, as well as parts of Cedar Rapids.

Church Culture

Oak Grove Church is often called warm and friendly. We love to care for people. The culture of Oak Grove Church is one that flows out of a strong belief in the sufficiency of Scripture which filters down into everything that we do: our view of the world, how we invest in one another’s lives, and how we are called to live out the great commission.

We care deeply about those who are hurting and desire to come alongside them to strengthen and encourage, providing practical tools for the application of God’s Word to their individual circumstances, hurts and struggles. It is our desire to provide the right level of hospitality, conversation and counseling to assist members as they develop their knowledge, skills and character which fleshes out through faith-oriented action.

Our church is nestled among the corn fields of rural Iowa, only 20 min from Cedar Rapids where you will find a plethora of shopping and entertainment options. The majority of our members are blue collar workers with a fairly conservative bent, but a more contemporary worship style, exalting the name of Jesus through theologically rich music, new and old.

Open Positions

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Shellsburg, Iowa


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