Inland Baptist Church jobs

Interlochen, Michigan

About Inland Baptist Church

Inland Baptist Church was founded in 1977 at the current location. The church previously was used by a Methodist denomination with the building being half the current size. An addition was built which is the worship center. The church property is located on Honor Highway (US 31) providing high visibility to those traveling in beautiful Northwest Michigan that God has created, and twenty-five miles west of Traverse City, MI.


Pastor Clifford Gauld left Inland Baptist Church in mid-October 2022 after being the pastor for 7 years. He was the assistant pastor with Pastor John Gleason who shepherded Inland Baptist Church for 15 years. Pastor Cliff accepted the pastor role after Pastor Gleason pasted unexpectantly.


Inland Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church. We are small with a big heart, prayerful and have a fervent desire to serve our Lord and share the Gospel. We trust in the Divine guidance of our Lord, knowing He has already selected a new pastor. The current membership is nine, with another ten regular attendees. Pastor Dan Ingersoll accepted the role as Interim Pastor since mid-October. He is a retired local pastor from a like-minded church ten miles west of Inland Baptist Church. Since then, the regular Sunday attendance has averaged 40+. The annual budget ranged from $100,000 to $119,000 since 2017. In 2021 the Net Income was $11,924. Inland Baptist Church currently supports seven missionaries financially and remain in continuous contact with and pray for seven other missionaries. In addition, the church supports local Christian organizations.


Ministerial staff:

·        Interim Pastor                                                Pastor Dan Ingersoll

·        Deacon                                                          Don Youngblut

·        Trustees                                                         Greg Youngblut, Steven Leister

·        Treasurer                                                       Linda Wilson

·        Clerk                                                              Katie Leister

·        Children/Youth                                               Emma Youngblut

·        Praise Music Leader                                      Gil Markus

·        Offerings Coordinator                                    Sylvia Beardsley



·        Sunday Bible School                                     8-9 attendees

·        Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer       9-11 attendees

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Interlochen, Michigan


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