Centerpoint Church jobs

Murrieta, California

About Centerpoint Church

Centerpoint Church was planted in 1989 under the name “the Lamb’s Fellowship” by Pastor Marty Edwards. In December 2003, John Hansen came to be the lead pastor, and in 2005 he led our first building campaign. We moved into our first facility in 2007. By 2009, as we began outgrowing the space, we launched into our second building campaign. 2012 was a big year for us, we moved into our new worship center, we completed the process of our church name change, and we became Centerpoint Church.

A third campaign was launched in 2014, NEXT, to raise funds for our third major facilities and vision project.

Centerpoint Church is a Free Methodist Church. We worship with a live band and dimmed lights, singing songs from Hillsong, Jesus Culture, and Passion. We lean charismatic, though we embrace the idea of being ‘naturally supernatural’; that means we embrace the fullness of the Holy Spirit, but we try to avoid the specific stylized or fabricated manners of some types of charismatic or Pentecostal groups.

Even though we do lean charismatic, we believe in a both/and approach. We both lead people to a place of real encounter with the presence of God, AND we create weekend service programming that will be attractional. We share the gospel in every weekend service and invite people to come to Christ, and they do! 

Open Positions

Murrieta, California

Free Methodist

Church Size
1,000-2,500 people

Social Media Accounts