Grace Lower Stone Reformed Church jobs

Rockwell, North Carolina

About Grace Lower Stone Reformed Church

Grace Church, traditionally known as Lower Stone, is one of the oldest churches in North Carolina, having been organized about 1745. Grace Church began with the influx of German settlers into Piedmont, North Carolina, mostly from Pennsylvania during the 1740s and 50s.

Many of the Germans were of the Lutheran persuasion, but the settlers who began Grace Church were of the Reformed tradition and were called the Calvin or “Presbyterian Congregation on Second Creek in the Dutch Settlement.”

The earliest documented evidence is dated February 1774, by which Lorent Lingle conveyed sixteen acres… “for the use of the Calvin congregation. The church is built of local irregular field stone with a 12-foot gable roof, 27 feet high, and massive-width walls.

Over the north, south, and west doorways are stone tablets with inscriptions (for pictures) in German. On the south wall is a smaller inset tablet with a clock face and a German inscription reading: “In the year of Christ, 1795: with God’s help.”

Grace (Lower Stone) Church has been the mother church for the formation of other Reformed churches in the area. She recently returned to her roots by taking the name Grace Lower Stone Reformed Church. (2/10/2015.) Throughout her long history, many of her children have gone into the service of the larger Church and community. Grace Church continues today as a vital worshiping and ministering community, holding services in the old meeting house. She is always seeking new ways to deepen her commitment to God and to expand her service to others, and though grateful for her faithful heritage is ever mindful of the present and the future.

We are a welcoming and diverse community of believers who are committed to following Jesus Christ. We are looking for a pastor who is a strong spiritual leader, has a deep understanding of the Bible, and is passionate about ministering to people of all ages.

Open Positions

Rockwell, North Carolina


Church Size
100-200 people