Anchor Church jobs

Palos Heights, Illinois

About Anchor Church

Anchor Church Palos began in March of 2009 when 23 adults formed a launch team, united in their vision to launch a new,

Christ-centered church. Over time, the launch team grew to 60 adults who were all committed to seeing the gospel proclaimed in the south suburbs of Chicago. After working tirelessly to build ministry teams, purchase equipment and secure a facility, Anchor Palos had its first service on 9/13/2009. 350 people gathered to worship the Lord and hear a message from His Word.


As we searched for a building over the next 5 years, we worshiped at Stagg High School, Chicago Christian High School, and Moraine Valley College. In Spring of 2014 we purchased our own building, and excitedly began laying down roots in a community of our own. We have since renovated and updated everything to provide a modern space for worship and fellowship.


Since our very first service, we have sought to glorify Jesus through solid, biblical preaching and vibrant, contemporary worship driven by our 4 Pillars: Worship, Prayer, Preaching and Evangelism. We desire to make mature disciples who Worship Christ, Walk with Christ, Work for Christ and Witness for Christ. Everything we do is aimed at glorifying God through the fulfillment of

the Great Commission in the Spirit of the Great Commandment. Jesus Christ is the firm foundation of all our ministries.

Open Positions

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Palos Heights, Illinois


Church Size
300-500 people

Social Media Accounts