Riverside Church jobs

Stanwood, Michigan

About Riverside Church

Riverside is a Bible-believing church meeting south of Big Rapids, MI: a rural setting and culture, but with ties and proximity to a college town. We were formed in 2018 by exiles of a nearby Christian Church which fell to aggressively anti-trinitarian teachings. As a result, careful attention to the essentials of Christian orthodoxy (including Jesus' deity and propitiation for our sins) is deep in our DNA.

While acknowledging our historic roots and continued appreciation for the Restoration Movement approach to Biblical Christianity, we fully embrace Jesus' prayer that his body be one as it is sanctified in the truth (John 17:17-21). Both the congregation and leadership carry a variety of theological perspectives on secondary and personal matters, yet all within the realm of a theologically conservative Biblical faith that seeks further conformity to the mind of Christ. Mindful that the days are evil (Eph 5:8-16), we desire Christian brotherhood with lovers of the truth and prioritize Jesus’ lordship over and against competing claims and deceptions. Jesus saves and His light in us exposes the darkness.

Open Positions

Stanwood, Michigan


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