The Rock of Panama City Beach jobs

Panama City Beach, Florida

About The Rock of Panama City Beach

Who is THE ROCK?

THEOLOGY— Broadly evangelical

The Rock is broadly Evangelical and not aligned with any specific denomination or tribe. They would hold firmly to the historic creeds of the church (Apostles, Nicene). While not explicitly aligned with any confessional statements from church history, they are Biblically conservative holding to inerrancy and infallibility, although not expressing it in those terms. Their view of sacraments would be Baptistic with regard to baptism and open table with regard to communion, practicing intinction.

WORSHIP— Progressive and semi-charismatic

The worship style at The Rock is progressive— praise music epitomized by contemporary worship artists is the primary style.They have an appreciation for the truth of historical hymns, but that truth finds it expression in more emotive and participatory worship than in traditional arrangements. Worship centers around preaching and the Lord’s Supper is celebrated weekly. Children and families are welcome and equal participants in an environment that is very “Florida” and “come as you are.”

CULTURE— The Rock is a true family

The Rock is a family. Many churches say they have a “family-feel” but this is more than a feeling. After the previous pastoral transition the community of believers who remained as part of The Rock were galvanized into a tight-knit group of believers who love each other, enjoy fellowship (and food) and are intent on “doing life together.” There is a sense of “all hands on deck” when it comes to just about everything that is done corporately AND there is a real sense of flexibility and grace about the execution of programming. Emphases at The Rock would be toward a faith that is first practical— real-life application of truth which impacts day to day living and relationships. Secondarily there is a strong emphasis on doctrine as expressed in Biblical theology. Thirdly, their cultural engagement would parallel their desire for their next Senior Pastor who should lovingly engage the culture and be “in the world” but not “of the world.”


The Rock is a true Florida panhandle congregation— young and old across the spectrum of means and backgrounds. There is a healthy mix of men, women, families, singles and a diversity of ethnic and racial backgrounds. Anyone from any walk of life could enter the sanctuary and find “their people.” In addition to year-round congregants there are several “seasonal” members whose participation in the body life of the church parallels their “snowbird” lifestyle. Based on church size, giving and resources available are significant. This is due to the sacrificial view of church membership and giving that this family of believers have embraced.

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Panama City Beach, Florida


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