Wakeshma Community Church jobs

Fulton, Michigan

About Wakeshma Community Church

OurVision: To bring people to Jesus and membership in his family, help them to Christ-like maturity, and equip them for ministry to the glory of God. Our Purpose: To reach young families, help them become life-long followers of Jesus and equip them to help others to do the same.


Wakeshma Community Church was founded as First United Brethren in 1886 by a group of dedicated Christians who needed a place to worship. Starting from a gift of land by two farmers-Hiram and Jerry Roe– the church stands today as a testimony of God’s grace in our community. In 1958, after 71 years as First United Brethren, the church became independent due to a shortage of ministers and this is how we became Wakeshma Community Church. In 1969 the original wooden church was torn down but the original bell still rings each Sunday calling people to worship! The entire church and auxiliary buildings stand as a witness to the faithfulness and love of past generations who realized we all need to know God’s salvation.

We had a wonderful pastor for 30 years and after he retired we found ourselves looking for a new Pastor. Over the last few years, God sent us two short term pastors that helped us to grow in our faith and they both taught us in new ways. Unfortunately, neither of them felt led to stay at WCC for a long term. So we are looking once again for just the right person that God has prepared for us! We are now a small but mighty congregation, full of love, faith, and needing a leader. We would love to hear from you.

Open Positions

Fulton, Michigan


Church Size
0-100 people

Social Media Accounts