Providence CRC jobs

Cutlerville, Michigan

About Providence CRC

Providence Christian Reformed Church (PCRC) awaits the arrival of a Director of Youth Ministries to provide vision and direction for its ministry to children, youth, and post-high young adults. PCRC thanks the Lord that during the last two decades the congregation has experienced incremental numerical growth resulting in a vibrant multi-generational congregationand staff-led ministry. They also thank the Lord for the recent addition of Lead Pastor KC Vande Streek who has brought new energy to its life and ministry.

PCRC is in a good place. They are a large church by both national and denominational standards. They have an incredible facility and ample financial support. They minister to a demographically growing area (the fastest growing area in the region). They are a multi-generational congregation blessed by many children and young adults. The congregation is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA).

Open Positions

Cutlerville, Michigan


Church Size
300-500 people

Social Media Accounts