McDowell Church jobs

Scottsdale, Arizona

About McDowell Church

We are a community following Jesus, learning to love.

What we all believe about God is one of the most important things about us. This is a safe community where you can explore and take steps of faith. McDowell’s foundational beliefs are centered around Jesus and the message we have about Him found in scripture. We believe there is one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe that God revealed Himself to us in human form, through the person of Jesus. And God set us right with Himself, He saved us, through the death and resurrection of Christ. God’s presence is always with us and among us through the Holy Spirit, who leads, guides, convicts, and encourages us. When we place our faith, our trust, in Jesus, we enter into a new kind of life empowered by the Spirit.

Open Positions

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Scottsdale, Arizona

Church of God: Anderson

Church Size
1,000-2,500 people

Social Media Accounts