Deckerville, Michigan
Church Summary:
McGregor Church was established over 100 years ago. We recently separated from the United Methodist denomination. We are a growing church with an average attendance of 150-175. We have many older generations who were raised in this church, along with many new, young families with children. We focus on the word of the Holy Bible and believe the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. Sunday church service is held from 10:30 – 11:30 am. We typically have three Sunday school classes with anywhere from 4 – 16 children and youth. Sunday school is held during Sunday church services. We also have an adult Sunday school class which meets before Sunday church service from 9:45-10:15 am. We have a praise service on Wednesday nights from 5:40-6 pm. We have a choir who sings on Sundays and practices on Wednesday evenings. We also have a women’s group who meets regularly. We have many of the congregation who volunteer to help with many activities, including, but not limited to, AV booth, Sunday school, youth and teen groups, vacation bible school, children’s Christmas program, Good Friday and Easter sunrise services, praise services, choir leader, pianists, potlucks, Project Blessing group support, and many others.
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