Lexington Community Church jobs

Lexington, Illinois

About Lexington Community Church

Our Church

           The history of Lexington Community Church began in a log cabin home in 1856. At that time, nine people gathered to discuss forming a new church. Soon after, the First Baptist Church of Lexington was started.

           In her early years, the church moved locations from a log cabin to a schoolhouse to a church building at 301 W. North Street. It remained at that same location until our current property was purchased in the early 2000’s. The church went through a name change (from First Baptist Church to Lexington Community Church) and our new facility at 515 S. Pine Street was built in 2009.

           Today, we are a multi-generational congregation that is comprised of members from nearly 20 surrounding communities. We enjoy our times of fellowship together as we seek unity in Jesus Christ and genuine care for each other.

           As a church, we value goals that seek to give God the glory that is due His great name. These values include things like the preaching of the true gospel (2 Corinthians 4), loving service to one another (1 Peter 4:7-11), Christian harmony (Romans 15:1-7), unwavering trust in Jesus Christ for salvation (Romans 4:17-25), and consistent biblical growth (2 Peter 3:17-18). We would describe ourselves as reformed in our theology and discipling and missional in our practices.

           Qualities of our church that people mention the most are things like: we are a friendly church, we study God’s Word deeply, we love missions and our missionaries, and we show genuine care for one another.

Our Beliefs

           To read about our core church beliefs and doctrine, you can visit our “What We Believe” page on our website by clicking here: https://www.lexcc.org/im-new-here/beliefs/

           To learn about our church beliefs and positions on Corporate Worship, you can visit our “Worship at LCC” page on our website by clicking here: https://www.lexcc.org/worship-at-lcc/

Our Community

           Lexington is a vibrant, growing, small-town community with a population of 2,100. It is located along historic Route 66 and I-55 in McLean County between Bloomington-Normal and Pontiac.

           Described as a small Midwestern city which offers something for everyone to enjoy, residents can take advantage of a vibrant downtown area and a variety of recreational opportunities (including Keller Park which offers a pavilion, ball fields, tennis courts, a playground and walking trail, and two large pools). Additionally, visitors can explore the city’s museums and take in all the small-town charm of Lexington’s shops and restaurants.

           To learn more about the City of Lexington, see the link below:



Next Steps

           Interested candidates should send a cover letter, resume, and any video/ audio links from recently led Worship services to: [email protected]

Open Positions

Lexington, Illinois


Church Size
200-300 people

Social Media Accounts