Meeker, Oklahoma
Mammoth Baptist Church (MBC) is a growing congregation in a rural setting surrounded by expanding communities and neighborhoods. The church averages 190 in worship and 110 in Sunday School. The church has an age-graded education program with bible-studies and discipleship for all age groups. The pastor is M. Dale Griffin, DMin. He is in his fourth year at MBC after serving thirty years of ministry in higher education. Eighteen of those years were served at Oklahoma Baptist University as campus pastor. The youth minister at MBC is Brian Jones (7th year), formerly a deacon in the church. Ministry teams serve the church and community through weekly ministry opportunities and an active outreach program. This Land Run established church outgrew its former facilities on Hwy 177 and moved to its current location on Hwy 62 in 2017. The church continues to be effective in ministry to all generations with room to grow and is praying the Lord of the harvest will send laborers to work the fields with the congregation gathered at Mammoth.