First Baptist Church - Sikeston jobs

Sikeston, Missouri

About First Baptist Church - Sikeston

First Baptist Church has stood in Sikeston for over 160 years. It's purpose is to know Christ and make Him known. Although it has a great historical foundation it is focused on remembering the past, but growing with the Lord forward by preaching the Word of God.

We are currently going through some changes:

Renovations to the building

Developing a new website

Establishing new priorities in our mission:

  • Mission Work
  • Adding Contemporary to our services
  • Development of Young Adult and Married Couples monthly gathering and Sunday School Classes
  • Developing new ideas to attract people to the church to give us a chance to share the Gospel
  • Having Christian groups at the church like The Hoppers, Tenth Avenue North and Gold City
  • Re-focusing on Sunday School to do discipleship training

Open Positions

Sikeston, Missouri

Baptist: SBC

Church Size
100-200 people

Social Media Accounts