North Canton, Ohio
The North Canton Chapel is a dynamic, growing, missionally-engaged, and multi generational church where God is transforming lives. We have seen His love, grace, mercy, and truth at work—leading many to salvation, deepening discipleship, and equipping people to live out their faith in their everyday lives.
At NCC, we are committed to living out our mission with clarity and purpose. As a church that spans generations, we value the legacy of those who have gone before us while preparing the next generation to follow Jesus boldly. Gospel centrality, meaningful community, and a deep sense of belonging shape everything we do. We celebrate Jesus together, foster authentic relationships with God and one another, and actively contribute to the work of His Kingdom.
At our core, we believe: "We exist to be the church who makes much of Jesus every day to everyone." This mission drives us to advance the Gospel throughout Northeast Ohio and beyond, equipping and sending God’s people so that every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to encounter Jesus.