Bethesda Church jobs

Huron, South Dakota

About Bethesda Church

PLEASE NOTE: We are not non-denominational but there was not an option to select “Mennonite Brethren.” See description below.


Denomination: US Conference of Mennonite Brethren. When people ask us, "What does it mean to be 'M.B.'? We respond with "MB" means "Mostly Baptist!" In other words, we essentially hold the same convictions as conservative evangelical Baptist churches, but with a different origin story for our founding. Essentially, you could "Baptist" on our front door, and it wouldn't change our convictions or practices one bit.

We have existed for 82 years in the Huron Area as we have sought to faithfully fulfill the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations, both locally and all over the world. We average 250-300 in Sunday morning attendance, have a variety of ministry programming for all ages, and desire to be more intentional in reaching our own back yard for Christ.

For more info, visit our website at 

Open Positions

Huron, South Dakota


Church Size
200-300 people

Social Media Accounts