Prairie Heights Community Church jobs

West Fargo, North Dakota

About Prairie Heights Community Church

About Us: 

Prairie Heights is a large, growing church with an even bigger mission: to connect those apart from God with Christ and a church family. We are passionate about reaching people, seeing people say Yes! to Christ, and taking the next step of going all in with God. That passion comes through in our practical and relevant teaching and focused ministry model.  

Our team is dedicated to growing consistently, building trust daily, and celebrating often. We carry the vision of our work, trust Jesus as the leader of our lives, and authentically love the community we live in. If you’re wondering what the work week feels like here, it includes a lot of laughter, stickers, friendly competition, prayer, and teamwork to create excellent services and environments that support the mission.  

We are leading our church toward emotionally healthy spiritual growth. This means that we choose to talk about the hard topics, like finances and sex, and we are committed to supporting people as they grow. For our staff, we spend regular time together digging into God’s word, growing together in emotional health, and spending time developing our leadership skills. We offer paid professional counseling, leadership training and development, Costco memberships and Ramsey+ subscriptions in addition to great health and dental benefits. 

Our Core Values: 

Pursue Jesus: 365 days a year 

Healthy relationships require time and effort, including our relationship with God. We are passionate about regularly spending time with Jesus through prayer, study, and personal growth. 

Choose Community: Church is the people  

People are the heart of the church. Authentic community is what God intended the church to be. We choose to be in each other’s lives, to take care of one another, and to invest in relationships.  

Serve People: No strings attached 

We live out our faith by meeting the needs of people with no strings attached. We are willing to go above and beyond for people and seek out proactive solutions to the felt needs of our community. 

Give Generously: In all circumstances 

We trust God with our finances and give freely. Out of our obedience, we believe God will do what only He can in our lives and our community. 

Our Community: 

Prairie Heights is proudly based in West Fargo, ND. Our tri-city metro area is thriving, with one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation, low cost of living, a stable economy, high quality of life, and a booming local community. But you don’t have to take our word for it, here are some recent recognitions nationwide: 


Open Positions

West Fargo, North Dakota


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