Associate Pastor

Faith in Christ Fellowship

Job Description

The role of the Associate Pastor is to work in harmony with the Senior Pastor and have a solid understanding of the purpose, values, strategy and mission of Faith in Christ Fellowship. The Associate Pastor will work alongside the Senior Pastor, Elders, Deacons, and congregants as a member of a team in fulfilling the ministry of the church under the direction of the Holy Spirit.


  • As a born again believer in Jesus Christ, satisfy the Biblical qualifications for an Elder (Pastor). I Timothy 3; Titus 1; I Peter 5:14
  • Hold to the Reformed beliefs found within the 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession or the Abstracts of Principle or at the very least affirm the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals statement of faith. 
  • As a member of FIC Fellowship you must exercise a lifestyle that is consistent with the mission of the church.
  • As a minister of the Gospel of Christ and FIC Fellowship, model submission to the authority and vision of the Senior Pastor and leadership of the church.

Key Responsibilities


  • Along with the Senior Pastor, provide supporting leadership for the development of the vision and operational plans of the ministry.
  • Work closely with the Senior Pastor and Elders to identify ministry priorities which will help move the church closer to our vision and mission.
  • Responsible for seeing that the strategic initiatives developed by the Senior Pastor and Elders are carried out in accordance with our vision and mission.

Preaching & Teaching

  • Spends time in the study of the Word and in prayer for preparation for ministry.
  • Develop a small group ministry with a focus on direct discipleship of the small group leaders in conjunction with the Senior Pastor.
  • Develop a ministry to the youth that both reaches them at their level but also does not alienate them from the larger church body.
  • Do outreach to the local colleges and lead a college Bible study where it is allowed. 
  • Assist the Senior Pastor in keeping the vision and mission of the church before the congregation.
  • Will fill the pulpit for any services the Senior Pastor is unavailable for.
  • Will assist the Senior Pastor in administering the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper, baptisms, and assist in conducting funerals, weddings, dedications, and other services as requested by the Senior Pastor.

Pastoral Care

  • Assist the Senior Pastor in the pastoral care of the congregation through visitation, counseling and prayer ministries.
  • Assist the Senior Pastor in responding to crisis situations which arise in the congregation.
  • Along with the Senior Pastor and Elders ensure that the spiritual needs of the congregation are provided for through various ministries of the church.


  • In conjunction with the Senior Pastor, the Associate Pastor will help oversee and execute the administration of the various ministry areas. The Associate Pastor will administrate the areas of small group discipleship/young adult/teen and college ministries. The Associate Pastor will attend Elder meetings as directed by the Senior Pastor and provide support and assistance.
  • The Associate Pastor will assist the Senior Pastor in assessing the needs within the church family and community and developing programs/ministries to meet those needs.

Organizational Relationship

  • The Associate Pastor will report directly to the Senior Pastor in the performance of his pastoral duties.
  • The Associate Pastor will maintain a degree of accountability for his ministry performance to the congregation, the Elders, the Senior Pastor, and the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.
  • The Associate Pastor also recognizes a level of accountability to the community at large to represent Christ in an honorable way before them. The Associate Pastor will present ministry reports as requested to the Senior Pastor, Elders, and/or congregation.


An Undergraduate Biblical/Theological degree from a college/university is preferred but not required. 

Employee Status and Salary

This is a part-time or bi-vocational (30) hours per week. This is an exempt position. 

Salary is commensurate upon experience. ($24-30k). 

We will cover tuition costs for the Institute of Reformed Biblical Studies (IRBS)Theological Seminary for any men interested in furthering their theological education. Diplomas can be awarded to men without a Bachelor's Degree. Master’s Degrees can be awarded to men holding a Bachelor’s Degree. 

Family/Marital Status

We are open to whomever the Lord so brings to us. However, we do prefer a man who is married. 

How to Apply

Phase 1: 

Please send us your resume, statement of doctrinal beliefs, personal/pastoral references, recent sermon audio files or links and a recent photo of you and your family to attach to your file. We request a minimum of (3) references with one of them being your current pastor. Send these items to Pastor Chad Morgan at [email protected]

Phase 2: 

If we feel led by the Spirit to move forward with you, we will send you a questionnaire that will assess your understanding of doctrine and other pertinent questions relating to ministry. Please complete the questionnaire in its entirety and send it back to the email that you received it from. 

Phase 3: 

Again, if the Spirit leads us to move forward with you, then a phone/zoom interview will be scheduled. 

Phase 4:

At this point only one applicant will be pursued based off of the phone interview. The applicant may be asked to come visit the church and preach during his visit. The church will cover the cost of the airfare and hotel for the applicant and his spouse (if necessary). 

Phase 5:

If the church and applicant feel as if God has called this particular man to serve at Faith in Christ Fellowship, a formal congregational vote will take place to approve the man for service to the church. At this point, the man and his family are encouraged to move (if necessary) as soon as possible to begin service to the church. Pay will begin when the man has moved and has officially started the position. 

About Faith in Christ Fellowship

A loving family best describes our small congregation of between 60-80 people. The church was formed 23 years ago and has had 4 pastors in its history, with the previous pastor serving the church for 18 of the 23 years. We hired our new Senior Pastor in 2020 and are excited about his vision for the church. Like every church, we have our problems. We are an aging congregation and thus the reason for hiring an Associate Pastor to help us target younger people. We are an Elder Led, Reformed, Conservative, Family Oriented church. Our Elder’s adhere to the 1689 Confession of Faith but the congregational doctrinal statement is not the 1689 Confession, yet is reformed in nature. We are proudly a member of the G3 church network, Founders Ministries, and the Central New York Baptist Association. While we do cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention in some ways, we do not desire to be affiliated with them in all areas because of our deeply held theological convictions. We affirm the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, The Statement on Social Justice and The Gospel, The Chicago Statement on Inerrancy, and the Nashville Statement on Biblical Sexuality. 

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Some college

Date Posted
3 years ago
Chadwicks, New York


Church Size