Senior Pastor

Cascade Bible Church

Job Description


Senior Pastor

Job Description

Cascade Bible Church

The Senior Pastor will be a man of established and true character, qualified to preach and teach the Word of God, as described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. The Senior Pastor must be willing to perform his duties in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of this church.

General Responsibilities:

The pastor is responsible for the overall health and direction of Cascade Bible Church. In accordance with the purpose, vision and constitution of the church, he leads with the Deacons and Church Board to accomplish the Great Commission and the Great Commandment and to implement our goals of evangeling, making disciples, assimilating new members, worshiping the Lord and meeting the needs of the community in ministry.

Specific Responsibilities:

  1. The senior pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church. The pastor will, by example, lead the church in discipleship and evangelism. The pastor is responsible to help create, develop, and oversee the small group ministry in the church, and to lead by example in creating and leading a group. All of our church leaders are expected to lead a small group and help fulfill the ministry of “making disciples”.
  2. The senior pastor will preach and teach the Word of God in order to prepare God’s people for works of service and to equip laborers and leaders. The pastor shall also seek to develop new leaders by mentoring, teaching, and giving the opportunities to preach as appropriate. The pastor is responsible for planning ahead on the “Quarterly Planner” to keep staff informed of future events and topics.
  3. The senior pastor will guide the leaders of this church as they exercise their leadership ministries. The pastor is responsible for leading weekly staff meetings (currently Wednesday from 10:30 to noon) and working with the Chairman of the Board to set the agenda for the monthly board meeting (currently the second Sunday of every month following church service).
  4. The senior pastor will(1) provide leadership for Sunday worship,(2) watch over the spiritual welfare of the church, (3) administer the ordinance including baptism, Lord’s Supper, marriages, funerals, baby dedications, etc., (4) instruct the members in true and practical Christian living, and (5) attend monthly local church pastor’s meetings to help organize and participate in community services (i.e. Baccalaureate, Sunrise service, Be the Church, etc). Emphasis is on raising up new young leaders to assist in ministry and to help perform these functions. The Pastor should regularly raise up new pastors to be ordained by the church.
  5. The senior pastor will serve to recommend and advise committees and teams as an ex-officio member of all committees in the church (currently just the Nominating Committee and Design and Decoration Committee).
  6. The senior pastor will oversee and provide appropriate leadership to the pastoral, administrative, and secretarial staff. Currently our Worship Pastor is one half time, our Children’s Ministry Director/Custodian is one half time, Church secretary is one quarter time and church bookkeeper is one quarter time. Our director of Youth Ministries is a volunteer position, Director of Adult ministries, and Director of Buildings and Grounds are also volunteer positions.
  7. -The church organizational chart is attached and will show the relationship of these various positions.
  8. The pastor is responsible, along with the board, for overall management of the church budget, and as the biggest cheerleader of the church, is responsible to help the church board reach its annual budget goals by teaching Biblical financial truths to the congregation.
  9. The senior pastor is expected to lead by example in stewardship matters, by supporting the work of the church through tithes, offerings and regular teaching about financial and stewardship issues.
  10. The senior pastor will maintain a good working relationship with Converge Northwest and Converge Worldwide.
  11. The senior pastor oversees, as one of the Deacons, all church discipline matters. He should be emotionally mature in interpersonal relations with strong problem solving, conflict resolution, and listening skills.
  12. The senior pastor is responsible for all internal communications with the congregation through articles or announcements, written and spoken, using the church newsletters, bulletins, and worship services. The pastor is also the main spokesperson for the church in all external communications with the community through radio, news media, outreach communications, and social media.
  13. The senior pastor will have proficient technology skills.
  14. The senior pastor will work 50 hours per week including 30% of that time spent at the church building available to meet with members of the church and others from the community.
  15. The senior pastor will be evaluated within six months,and yearly thereafter of his performance.

Personal and Spiritual Qualifications:

  1. The senior pastor maintains a vital personal relationship with the Lord through daily Bible study and prayer and maintains proper priorities at home with his family. The pastor is expected to take at least one day off every week, and regular vacation times away to set an example before the people of Godly balanced family living. After every 7 years of ministerial service, a period of personal sabbatical for growth and renewal shall be planned and presented to the church board for approval.
  2. The senior pastor will cultivate spiritual gifts with in the church body.
  3. The senior pastor should have strong verbal and written communication skills.
  4. We are a purpose driven church, fulfilling the 5 functions of the great commandment and great commission: worship, ministry, evangelism, discipleship and assimilation.
  5. The senior pastor must bean individual of proven character, who is characterized by a vital, spirit filled walk with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and models the 5 purposes in his everyday life. This spiritual commitment should be evidenced by regular church attendance (including spouse if married), volunteer ministry involvement outside the area of this position, and by supporting the work of the church through tithes and offerings.


The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church, and is also one of the Deacons in a shared leadership of the temporal matters of church life. The pastor must work closely with the Chairman of the Board to insure unity and oneness among all board members. The pastor is also responsible to recruit, recommend for hire, train, and supervise the church staff.


This is a full-time paid position based on qualifications and experience. There is a church- owned parsonage that is available. Utilities are not included. The church also provides a budget for continuing education and professional expenses. There is a qualified 403 (b) employee contribution retirement plan that all employees are eligible to participate in after one year of service. There is no provision for medical insurance at this time, and the church does not provide for FICA, these will be treated as payroll expenses.

NOTE: We would encourage all those interested to register directly with Converge P3

About Cascade Bible Church

Service Time – Sunday at 10:00AM


CBC’s Sunday morning service is a big part of what we do. Through joining in praise songs, studying the Word, or ministering to one another, this is the place to begin connecting to the body of believers at CBC.


Music is an essential part of worship at CBC. Psalm 81:1-4 says, “Sing praises to God, our strength. Sing to the God of Jacob. Sing! Beat the tambourine. Play the sweet lyre and the harp. Blow the ram’s horn at new moon, and again at full moon to call a festival! For this is required by the decrees of Israel; it is a regulation of the God of Jacob” (NLT).


Prayer time at a CBC service is huge for us. We believe it is the most important part of the service and we know that God answers prayer because we have experienced it many times and the results are right in front of us. Come and see what God can do in your life.


Giving to God through tithes and offerings is another important segment of our service. Through your financial contributions, you’re partnering in the service of changing lives locally and worldwide.


There is no higher calling than to worship the Lord of the universe. It is what we were created to do. It is how we as humans, connect with our Creator and give to Him all the honor that is due Him.


What do I wear?


Come as you are… we do.


What about my children?


CBCKids, our children’s ministry at CBC, is designed with all kids in mind. While in CBCKIds, your child will experience fun age-appropriate Bible lessons, music and activities all developed to point him or her toward a daily relationship with Christ. CBCKids experiences are staffed by dedicated volunteers who are there to care for your child.

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Some college

Date Posted
3 years ago
Twisp, Washington


Church Size

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