Artesia First Christian Reformed Church (18411 Alburtis Avenue, Artesia, California) is seeking an Associate Pastor for youth and outreach.
We are seeking an ordained or ordainable man who will run a youth group and an outreach program.
This person would be an associate pastor. He would work approximately 50 hours per week. If time permits, he would also assist the lead pastor in visiting home-bound members, leading Sunday liturgy on occasion, preaching, Bible studies, Sunday School, etc. If possible, helping lead worship would be a plus.
MDiv or similar complete or in progress. Willing to subscribe to the Three Forms of Unity (Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort, Belgic Confession) and must be complementarian (in other words, ordainable in the CRC +complementarian). Reject “Side-B Homosexuality” and confess that orientations other than heterosexual are sinful orientations (like the orientation to greed, envy, lust, etc. are sinful).
If qualified and interested, please send CV/Resume, 2x sermon videos, and at least 5 ecclesiastical references to Steve Anema at [email protected]