Plant Pastor

Providence Church

Job Description


The role of the Plant Pastor (PP) is to oversee the life and direction of [Plant Name] under the direction and leadership of the Elders of Providence Church. This requires a firm grasp of the beliefs, ministry philosophy, and overall DNA of Providence and the ability to align staff and key leadership teams with its mission, vision and values. The PP will offer pastoral leadership to the plant and ensure the systems, practices and policies of the church responsibly and effectively support its ministry activities.


1. Modeling Biblical Priorities

Responsible for modeling Biblical priorities and staff values of Providence Church. The PP should pursue a growing personal relationship with Christ and model a strong relationship with his spouse (if married) and children (if applicable). The PP strives to fulfill his purpose in life and ministry while demonstrating humility and integrity in words, relationships and actions.

These objectives are accomplished by:

- Committing to a daily quiet-time with God.

- Participating in a small group on a regular basis.

- Setting appropriate boundaries to protect character and integrity.

- Identifying and protecting weekly times of prayer.

- Developing personal evangelism opportunities within and outside the church.

- Growing in generosity.

- Adhering to and encompassing the qualities and characteristics required of Providence employees, as defined by the Employee Handbook.

2. Pastoral Responsibilities

Responsible for leading, equipping, shepherding, teaching and caring for the people of [Plant Name]

These responsibilities are accomplished by:

- Developing volunteers and lay leaders to lead ministry through training and coaching.

- Providing care and counseling to individuals within the congregation.

- Administering church ordinances.

- Conducting weddings, funerals, baby dedications, etc.

- Providing a solid, biblically based teaching ministry through oversight and training of group leaders.

- Modeling missional living and training others to do the same. 

3. Pre-Launch – Lead Launch Preparation Activities

Responsible for working with the Executive Pastor and Senior Pastor in casting vision, building a launch team and finalizing/executing a Launch plan.

These objectives are accomplished by:

- Becoming saturated with the ministry philosophy, ministry playbook and DNA of Providence Church.

- Working with the Executive Pastor in carrying out the details of the launch plan with excellence.

- Recruiting, building and training a core team, launch team and volunteer ministry leaders.

4. Post-Launch - Strategic Leadership and Planning

Responsible for championing Providence’s mission, vision and values at the plant location. The PP will assist the Executive Pastor in strategic planning and staff coordination in the execution of the church’s mission and vision. The PP will lead the campus in accomplishing annual objectives and key goals established collectively by the PP and Executive Pastor and approved by the Elders. The PP will provide the catalyzing challenges and activities which allow [Plant Name] to remain true to its mission and vision. This leadership and input will be provided through many activities including:

- Implementing an intentional staff meetings strategy to clarify and execute [Plant Name]’s objectives and key goals.

- Monitoring and reporting the pulse of the congregation through research and evaluation of attendance, giving, small group participation, baptisms, volunteer engagement, community transformation, etc.

- Ensuring staffing, facilities and programs are appropriately and effectively aligned to best meet strategic goals and Providence plant ministry model.

- Managing plant budget and providing oversight and direction in the large variety of financial functions of the church including: cash flow, contributions, payroll, leases and budget development.

- Fulfilling other pastoral/administrative duties (weddings, funerals, baptisms, child dedications, counseling, etc.) or other tasks which might not be considered part of the normal job description. 

5. Post-Launch - Oversight of Campus Worship Experiences

Responsible for ensuring that all worship experiences are executed with excellence. The PP displays excellent communication skills, the ability to make sound decisions, high level networking and relational strengths that enhance each worship experience.

These objectives are accomplished by:

- Delivering relevant, Biblical messages when called upon.

- Teaching and leading in small, medium and large group settings.

- Planning and executing worship and other creative elements to complement the teaching in each ministry environment.

6. Post-Launch - Staff/Volunteer Supervision and Development

Provides leadership to the Plant staff and volunteer teams. The PP will lead, evaluate and mentor existing staff in their areas of ministry and prioritize future staffing needs.

Includes the following responsibilities:

- Supervising the Plant staff leadership team as it relates to day-to-day ministry and operational activities.

- Overseeing the recruiting, training and development of the core team and plant ministry leadership teams.

- Empowering staff and volunteer leaders to lead the ministries and operations.

- Providing coaching to the staff in the design and implementation of all church ministries, including periodically evaluating appropriate changes to organizational structure to reflect ministry strategy.

7. Post-Launch - Transitioning to Autonomy

Provides leadership to transition [Plant Name] to autonomy at a time in the future as agreed upon by the Providence Elders. The PP will lead [Plant Name] under the guidance, oversight and coaching of the Senior Pastor and Executive Pastor through the various phases as defined by the Providence Plant Ministry Model. By the end of Phase 3, the Plant Pastor will become the Lead Pastor of [Plant Name]. Includes the following responsibilities:

- Developing [Plant Name] founding documents (Statement of Faith, Value, Mission, Vision)

- Attainting 501c3 status

- Developing operational documents (bylaws, employee handbook, staff values, etc.)

- Developing Central Services (Finance, IT, Facilities, Communications) or budgeting to pay for Providence Central Services.


In addition to meeting the qualifications listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1; the Plant Pastor should possess the following consistently in great measure although not perfectly.

1. Spiritual Vitality

There is a clear love for Jesus. The fruit of the Spirit is growing and evident in his life. There are discernable marks of a growing dependence upon the Holy Spirit. His character is marked by faithfulness to the Lord and a commitment to pursue intimacy with him.

2. Humble

There is a clear self-awareness, owning both his strengths and weaknesses, teachable and expresses a willingness to follow before being asked to lead.

3. Strong Marriage and Family Life

There is evidence of a flourishing marriage in which God’s glory is on display. The wife must be in full agreement with the calling on her husband as God, by His grace, uses the wife as a primary instrument to encourage, strengthen and sanctify her husband. They must both lead a home where children, if applicable, they see and experience their earthly father in devotion to his heavenly Father, while also loving and serving Christ his wife, his kids, the Church, and the community. Neighbors, outsiders, and the needy are welcomed into his life and home with warm compassion.

4. Theological Convictions

There is complete alignment with Providence’s statement of faith, doctrinal distinctives, mission and vision. There is a deep and passionate desire to multiply disciples and churches.

5. High Capacity Leader

There is evidence of being a self-starter who not only gets things done but juggles many balls and makes things happen. There is a healthy balance between relationships and tasks seeing both as essential. 6. Missional Lifestyle There is evidence of a passion for those far from God and a history of sharing the gospel regularly to reach the unreached. 

6. Missional Lifestyle

There is evidence of a passion for those far from God and a history of sharing the gospel regularly to reach the unreached.

7. Relational Skill

Possesses a true love of people and is able to relate to the believer and unbeliever. Well-like, easy to talk to and attracts people. 8. Entrepreneur/Mobilizer There is enjoyment and passion to start new works as God leads, influence others to join the work and is able to transition them into volunteers, leaders and coaches. 

8. Entrepreneur/Mobilizer

There is enjoyment and passion to start new works as God leads, influence others to join the work and is able to transition them into volunteers, leaders and coaches. 

9. Communicator

The ability to clearly articulate himself, through teaching, preaching or communicating to a room full of people as well as writing. There is authenticity, transparency, clarity and conviction in his words.

10. Pastoral Aptitude

Displays leadership qualities that are unique to the calling of pastor. Includes exhorting, teaching, shepherding, equipping and serving. 11. Calling

The planter will have both deep clarity and strong calling to start a new work in a specific community.

About Providence Church

Providence Church is located in the northwest area of Raleigh, NC. Our mission is clear:  We exist to glorify God by introducing all people to Jesus Christ and growing them up to love and worship him. As you continue seeking God’s call for your life and ministry, here are a few things to know about who we are, and our passions for ministry and missions.

In 1978, in a living room with several families, we were founded out of a passion for God’s Mission and God’s people. A small group of committed believers gathered together anchored by the hope they shared in the gospel. Since then, we’ve always been committed to teaching the truths of God’s word from The Bible, partnering together in community to build one another up in those truths, and living lives on mission to reach those who are far from God.

Raleigh is a booming city that’s growing exponentially every day. In 2023, it was ranked the third fastest-growing city in the US. Education, career, family, and more are bringing people to our city, and we want them to know the truth of who God is. We have three services every Sunday morning where anyone and everyone is welcome to come and experience meaningful worship, teaching, and connection. And for those who work on the weekends, we offer a Monday Night service as well.

Helping people gain truths for living doesn’t stop at adults, but extends to everyone including kids and students. We feel passionate about helping toddlers to seniors know what the Bible has to say about God, life, and eternity. From age-specific programming during worship services, evening enrichment programs, parenting seminars, and more we aim to partner with parents, teaching kids and students, and participate together in the mission of bringing up the next generation to know the gospel and love Jesus.

At Providence, we believe our life is best experienced in community. That means we champion doing life together for the good of our own growth, the good of our church, and to see the whole kingdom of God thrive. We desire for those who walk through our doors to be a part of meaningful communities we call Life Groups. These groups exist to care for one another, pray for one another, meet regularly together, study the Bible together, serve together, and go on mission together. Life Groups are our main avenue here at Providence for doing life together.

You’ve heard us say we exist to glorify God by introducing all people to Jesus Christ. And we really mean ALL PEOPLE. There are plenty of people here in Raleigh who have no idea who Jesus is or know the hope found in the gospel. We are passionate about empowering God’s people with their gifts and talents to reach those in need around them with the hope of Jesus. And not just to Raleigh, but to the world. We love sending people all over the globe equipped with the Spirit to share the good news of who Jesus is and what He has done. We love nothing more than seeing lives changed through God’s people.

Truth for living, Life Together, and Life on Mission. These are the building blocks of who Providence is, why we exist, and how we go about accomplishing the mission of God. You can dive deeper into our world by going to, or by reaching out to us. We hope as you continue to explore, you’ll prayerfully consider joining our team and playing a part in accomplishing Christ’s mission.

Experience Required
5-10 years


Education Required
Bachelor's Degree

Date Posted
2 weeks ago
Raleigh, North Carolina

Baptist: SBC

Church Size
2,500-5,000 people

Social Media Accounts