Job Description

Eastminster United Presbyterian Church

St. Peter’s United Church of Christ


Position Title:           Transitional Minister/Pastor

                                   Shared ministry between two congregations

Position Status:       Full-time*

*Seeking Full-time but willing to consider Part-time

Location:                   Eastminster (EUPC) & St. Peter’s (UCC)

               28505 Main St.

           Millbury, OH 43447

Facebook: Eastminster United Presbyterian Church      St. Peter’s United Church of Christ – Millbury,



Purpose: Eastminster United Presbyterian Church (EUPC) and St. Peter’s United Church of Christ (SPUCC) are seeking a candidate for the Transitional Pastor until an installed pastor has been called. During the transition period this individual will help guide both congregations through the process of identifying a pastor, provide spiritual nurturing of the members of the two congregations, help the congregations focus on God’s purpose for ministering to the people of their respective communities/families, and assist in discerning God’s plan for the future of the “marriage” between the two congregations.

Our Path: EUPC and SPUCC entered into a shared ministry agreement in 2021 under the leadership of our previous pastor. The pastor was responsible for separate worship services at each church located approximately seven miles apart. During summer months, June through August, we have one combined service as well as during Lent, Easter, and Christmas. Additionally, we join together for other fellowship and community events.

EUPC has recently sold their building. A shared use (nesting) agreement has been prepared and is in the process of being implemented. At this time, it is anticipated that two separate services will continue after relocation.

Each church has appointed three members to form the Transitional Pastor Team. The team has the ultimate responsibility to identify and recommend a transitional candidate to the congregations. Additionally, this team has the responsibility to ensure the pulpit is filled until a transitional pastor has been engaged. The team recently conducted a survey of both congregations. The results of the surveys have been tabulated and prayerfully considered to create this job description.

As we continue to discern God’s plan for our two congregations, our prayer is to find and install a permanent pastor. The transitional pastor would not be excluded from consideration.

Church Profiles

St. Peter’s United Church of Christ (SPUCC) is located in Millbury, Ohio. Our roots are traced to the former Evangelical/Reformed church prior to the formation of the United Church of Christ in 1957. In October 2025 we will be celebrating our 150th anniversary serving the Millbury/Lake Township and surrounding communities. We currently have an active membership of 41 individuals with an average of 24 adult worshippers on Sunday. Supporting functions of the church are performed by its members on a volunteer basis.

SPUCC is proud of our active community involvement. Community involvement includes hosting weekly AA meetings for 41 years, community garden, use of our park facilities for hosting community activities (Trick or Trunk  and Easter Egg hunt), as well as other local and global missions we support.

Eastminster United Presbyterian Church (EUPC) was located in east Toledo, Ohio. The Eastminster congregation was formed from the merger of two existing churches in 1930. EUPC roots in east Toledo go back to the late 1800s. Our 125th anniversary was celebrated in 2019. Currently EUPC has an active membership of 68 individuals with an average of 25 adult worshippers on Sunday. Membership is from the Toledo area and surrounding suburbs. Supporting functions of the church are performed by its members on a paid or volunteer basis.

EUPC is proud of our active community involvement. Community involvement includes partnerships through volunteerism and financial support. Our activities include community events with our neighbor St. Mark Lutheran Church (Trick or Trunk and Easter Egg hunt), St. Louis Helping Hands (clothing and shoes drives, organizing food pantry), Bags of Love, Community Kitchen as well as other local and global mission support.


·       Worship

·       Communicates God’s word through teaching which is understandable at all levels of Christian maturity

·       Articulates a clear vision and biblical perspective of personal and corporate worship

o  Develops and delivers messages or series of messages that have an application to everyday life

o  Effectively uses metaphors and/or illustrations from everyday life that help tie the message to scripture

o  Delivers messages that are as much teaching as preaching

o  Administers the sacraments

·       Pastoral Care:

o  Displays care and concern for individual members

o  Assists existing care teams in visiting hospitalized and home-bound members

o  Officiates baptisms, weddings, and funerals

·       Vision and Leadership

o  Supports a collaborative approach to ministry

o  Identifies, develops, and strengthens lay leadership

o  Guides the congregations in the search for an installed pastor

o  Moderates/Participates in congregational and leadership meetings

o  Leads the congregations as they navigate through various models of ministry and worship

o  Assists in identifying opportunities in furthering the spiritual growth of each congregation and the community

o  Assists in long-range strategic planning including with the potential “nesting” of the two congregations


·       Personal

o  Be a good listener

o  Exhibits a warm, open personality

o  Be encouraging

·       Growth Minded

o  Is open to new ideas

o  Motivates

o  Is vision oriented


·       Graduate of a recognized seminary or divinity school

·       PCUSA, UCC and ELCA applicants encouraged to apply

·       Experience as a called and/or transitional pastor preferred but not required

·       Completion of transitional ministry training a plus

·       Competencies in computer skills (e.g., Microsoft Office Suite, Outlook 365)

Accountability: The successful candidate will report to the governing bodies of each congregation. They are the Eastminster United Presbyterian Session and the St. Peter’s United Church of Christ Council. The transitional pastor will be a non-voting ex-officio member of all committees at both congregations.

Salary and Benefits: In order to meet the distinct needs of the successful candidate, a customized total compensation package up to $80,000 annually will be developed with the candidate (based on 2025 denominational guidelines).

How to Apply:

·       Applications will be accepted until midnight of January 10, 2025

·       Application shall include:

o  Cover Letter

o  Resume

o  References with current phone numbers and email addresses

o  Links to online videos of leading worship services, if available, would be welcome

o  Any other supporting documentation

·       Applications can be submitted by

o  Email:

[email protected]

o  Mail to:

Transitional Pastor Search

PO Box 171

Millbury, OH 43447

o  If submitting by email use Microsoft Office formats (.docx, .ppt, pdf)


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”

Matthew 7:7-8

About St. Peter's United Church of Christ / Eastminster United Presbyterian Church

Eastminster United Presbyterian Church (EUPC) and St. Peter’s United Church of Christ (SPUCC) are seeking a candidate for the Transitional Pastor until an installed pastor has been called. During the transition period this individual will help guide both congregations through the process of identifying a pastor, provide spiritual nurturing of the members of the two congregations, help the congregations focus on God’s purpose for ministering to the people of their respective communities/families, and assist in discerning God’s plan for the future of the “marriage” between the two congregations.

EUPC and SPUCC entered into a shared ministry agreement in 2021 under the leadership of our previous pastor. The pastor was responsible for separate worship services at each church located approximately seven miles apart. During summer months, June through August, we have one combined service as well as during Lent, Easter, and Christmas. Additionally, we join together for other fellowship and community events.

EUPC has recently sold their building. A shared use (nesting) agreement has been prepared and is in the process of being implemented. At this time, it is anticipated that two separate services will continue after relocation.

St. Peter’s United Church of Christ (SPUCC) is located in Millbury, Ohio. Our roots are traced to the former Evangelical/Reformed church prior to the formation of the United Church of Christ in 1957. In October 2025 we will be celebrating our 150th anniversary serving the Millbury/Lake Township and surrounding communities. We currently have an active membership of 41 individuals with an average of 24 adult worshippers on Sunday. Supporting functions of the church are performed by its members on a volunteer basis.

SPUCC is proud of our active community involvement. Community involvement includes hosting weekly AA meetings for 41 years, community garden, use of our park facilities for hosting community activities (Trick or Trunk  and Easter Egg hunt), as well as other local and global missions we support.

Eastminster United Presbyterian Church (EUPC) was located in east Toledo, Ohio. The Eastminster congregation was formed from the merger of two existing churches in 1930. EUPC roots in east Toledo go back to the late 1800s. Our 125th anniversary was celebrated in 2019. Currently EUPC has an active membership of 68 individuals with an average of 25 adult worshippers on Sunday. Membership is from the Toledo area and surrounding suburbs. Supporting functions of the church are performed by its members on a paid or volunteer basis.

EUPC is proud of our active community involvement. Community involvement includes partnerships through volunteerism and financial support. Our activities include community events with our neighbor St. Mark Lutheran Church (Trick or Trunk and Easter Egg hunt), St. Louis Helping Hands (clothing and shoes drives, organizing food pantry), Bags of Love, Community Kitchen as well as other local and global mission support.

Experience Required
5-10 years


Education Required
Master's Degree

Date Posted
2 weeks ago
Millbury, Ohio

United Church of Christ

Church Size
0-100 people

Social Media Accounts