Ebenezer Baptist Church

Job Description


The Worship/Music & Youth Leader is responsible to the Senior Pastor, Music Committee, & Youth Committee

for leading in corporate worship and for developing various music & youth ministries which promote the interest

of Ebenezer.


The person qualifying for this ministry position must be a born-again Christian, having a personal relationship

with Jesus Christ and be a devoted follower of Jesus. He or she must accept the Bible as the inerrant and

infallible Word of God, become a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church and abide by the 2000 Baptist Faith and

Message. Other qualifications:

1. People oriented, organized, creative, energetic, and accountable.

2. One who can effectively work with and direct people regardless of their age or musical ability in song

and worship through music.

3. One who must also effectively work with and direct youth in their spiritual growth with specific focus on

discipleship, evangelism and fellowship.

4. This position does not require ordination to the ministry.

5. This person must be able to read sheet music and play an instrument.

6. Minimum High School Education or equivalent is required.

7. Minimum 5 years music-related experience or equivalent is preferable.

8. Must pass a background check, possess a valid drivers license, and be willing to acquire a CDL with

Passenger endorsement.


1. Work with the Pastor in developing and implementing meaningful worship experiences for the congregation

with a blend of hymns and contemporary praise and worship songs. As worship expresses our love toward God

and draws us into His presence, we want to honor and glorify Him through our worship.

2. Coordinate music, sound, and visual aids for all worship services, VBS, revivals, music education, weddings,

funerals, and other church-wide activities. This includes planning and leading rehearsals with adequate time for

all vocalists, musicians, sound technicians, and other participants to prepare fully for a professional, organized,

and seamless worship experience.

3. Enlist, develop, and train leadership for age-graded choirs, ensembles and praise groups, and visual/sound

technician teams as needed.

4. Prepare the budget for worship/music and youth ministries. Purchase, organize, and disseminate all supplies

for the worship/music and youth ministries. When additional equipment or musical instruments are needed,

prepare and present the need to the Music Committee, Youth Committee, or to the Deacon Body for


5. Serve alongside the Pastor to assist in ministry opportunities, to contact and visit prospective members, and

to visit those in need of ministry in the community if related to music and youth specifically.

6. Work with the Pastor, youth committee, and youth volunteers in developing and implementing doctrinally

sound and meaningful youth activities that could include: small groups, Sunday School classes, bible studies,

fellowship events, and worship opportunities, retreats, and camps.

7. Lead coordinators, teachers, greeters, and other volunteers in the music and youth ministry.

8. Willingness to support youth in extracurricular activities including sporting events, recitals, etc… in an effort to

become involved in youth life outside of church activities.

9. And other responsibilities that the Pastor envisions helpful to Ebenezer to fulfill the task of making disciples

through music and youth and family relationships.

Email resumes and inquiries to [email protected].

Experience Required
5-10 years


Education Required
High School Diploma

Date Posted
2 days ago
Cordele, Georgia

Baptist: SBC

Church Size
200-300 people

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