Job Description


New Life Bible Fellowship Church in Oley, PA, is seeking a shepherd-hearted man to care for the souls of our 7th-12th-graders, and the volunteers who minister to them. We currently have a full-time youth pastor who will eventually be transitioning into another ministry role within the church. Ideally, the incoming youth pastor would serve for a period of time alongside our current youth pastor, allowing for a smooth transition of leadership, as the current youth pastor gradually assumes other responsibilities. 

I.                Classification       

Full-time. Pastoral staff. Exempt position.

II.              Reporting To

Senior Pastor

III.             Principle Function

The youth pastor is responsible for promoting the mission of New Life Bible Fellowship Church in the lives of our 7th – 12thgraders. Our mission is to glorify God by introducing people to New Life in Christ, and to equip believers to grow into mature disciple-makers.  

IV.           Essential Duties

●      Serve as primary teaching pastor for youth ministry, with an emphasis on expository preaching/teaching

●      Recruit, disciple, equip and collaborate with adult youth staff volunteers

●      Establish and maintain personal relationships with individual students in order to minister, disciple, and present Christ by means of maintaining availability as a friend and counselor

●      Maintain communications with parents of youth 

●      Develop and plan outreach opportunities both locally and as part of a global outreach program

●      Oversee a student ministry budget

●      General pastoral ministries, including visitation, counseling, teaching etc.

V.           Qualifications for the Position:     

  Applicant must:

●      Confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and demonstrate a vibrant and growing personal walk with Jesus.

●      Meet biblical qualifications found in Titus 1:6-9, 1 Tim. 3:2-7, 1 Peter 5:2-3, including being biologically male. 

●      Be able to communicate clearly both orally and in writing.

●      Be able to communicate the Scriptures with depth and in an engaging way.

●      Maintain the highest level of confidentiality.

●      Be in agreement with the Articles of Faith of the Bible Fellowship Church (

●      Have served in a ministry position, either paid or unpaid for at least two years (bachelor’s or master’s degree from a Bible school/seminary/college preferred)

●      Have demonstrated an ability to connect with teens.

●      Subscribe to a philosophy of ministry that exalts the sufficiency of the inerrant Scriptures for all of life and godliness. 

●      If he has a family, he must demonstrate maturity in his leadership at home. 

●      Ideally, he would be highly relational, but also able to get tasks done well. 

About New Life Bible Fellowship

New Life Bible Fellowship is a local church located in the rural Oley Valley and our congregation consists of approximately 400 adults and 100-150 children from the Oley area. Many of our ministry programs reach un-churched families from surrounding communities. We have both discipleship classes and life groups. Sunday morning services at New Life engage the congregation in Christ-centered worship with a contemporary-style worship team and a blend of old and new songs, while dynamic, expository preaching gives opportunity to grow in knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. Church members are encouraged and equipped to be active participants in ministry as we continually strive to be disciples who make disciples for the glory of God and the furtherance of His Kingdom.

Experience Required
1-5 years


Education Required
Bachelor's Degree

Date Posted
2 years ago
Oley, Pennsylvania


Church Size
300-500 people