Administrative Assistant Job Description Example

Read our detailed Administrative Assistant job description example to learn key responsibilities, qualifications, and skills needed for this vital church role.

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Here at JustChurchJobs we know just how incredibly important it is defining the roles within your church with a clear set of outlined expectations and descriptions of each role. Any kind of business needs to have their roles and expectations clearly defined for each role. Without having roles defined, the business will fall apart as nobody will know what they are doing or what is expected of them. In the same way a church needs to have their roles clearly outlined in order to keep the church running smoothly and efficiently to the glory of God.

What is an Administrative Assistant?

An administrative assistant within the church is the role of the front desk reception or someone who works as the HR for the church. They are not a part of the pastoral staff and are therefore not teaching or preaching. They are instead helping with the more financial and fine detail parts of the church. They are an integral part of the church as they help the pastoral staff in perform duties outside of the ministry realm in the more technical aspects like church finances and planning.

Responsibilities of an Administrative Assistant

The responsibilities of this role may include as mentioned in the description things like HR reps and financial staff who work closely with the finances of the church ensuring that they are used responsibly. They may also do other things such as aiding in basic upkeep of the church or things like archiving files for the church or dealing with tax information of the church. They may also be the ones getting in contact with local businesses or organizations to help sponsor events the church puts on.

Administrative Assistant Job Description Example

Our church is looking for a candidate to fill our administrative assistant role. First and foremost, we are looking for a candidate who feels that they are being led by God into this position with our church. We also believe that our candidate should be at the forefront of their work always be highlighting the gospel and Jesus, be an excellent planner, have experience in working with finances, be able to handle calls to the church and setting up appointments for congregational members to meet with our pastoral staff. We are looking for a candidate who will come and work alongside our pastoral staff to keep our church running smoothly and effectively.

What you will be doing:

Handling calls coming in from the congregation of the church and any other calls

Helping to plan church events

Setting up appointments for the congregation members to meet with the pastoral staff

Potentially work with and keep track of the church finances

Work alongside pastoral staff to make our church run effectively for the glory of God

Qualities and skills needed:

A heart for the gospel and for Jesus

Relevant education and experience

Clear communication skills

A passion for working the fine details of the church

A passion to serve God and the church through your work

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an administrative assistant do?

The role of the administrative assistant is to aid the pastoral staff in the more business aspect of the church. This may include the HR staff or financial staff in charge of the finances of the church and ensuring that the finances are used appropriately and responsibly. They mainly function to complete and run the non-pastoral functions within a church.

What function does the administrative assistant serve in the church?

This really depends on what the church needs for you to do. Some administrative assistants work for a specific pastor in setting up appointments and planning events just for them, some will do the same for the entire staff, and other work with just the finances or the HR of the church.

What qualification do I need to be an administrative assistant?

You need relevant education and experience to land an administrative assistant role. Some majors that would help with this would be a business major, business management major, or communications major.

We are here a JustChurchJobs hope that this article and short job description are helpful to you and at the very least hope that this article has helped you to develop your own job description and set of expectations as you continue in your pursuit for the right candidate to fill your Christian education role within your church. As always, we are here to help however we can!

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