First Baptist Church of Dixon jobs

Dixon, Missouri

About First Baptist Church of Dixon

First Baptist Church of Dixon is a small congregation of 50-80 members. The church was founded in 1899 and has been serving Dixon, Missouri continuously since then. Dixon is a rural community of @ 1500 people and an area population of @ 2500+. Dixon is located 20 miles north of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., 25 miles west of Rolla, Mo. and @ 50 miles from Lake of the Ozarks.

Church location is 400 West 4th Street in Dixon.

Contact information:

FBC Dixon

P.O.Box 269

Dixon, Missouri 65459

email: [email protected]

Phone# 573-759-7911 (leave message)

Alt # 573-774-9367 (search comm. chairman)

We are on Facebook and messenger, also.

Open Positions

Dixon, Missouri

Baptist: SBC

Church Size

Social Media Accounts