Job Description

Student Minister: Job Description


The Student Minister at FBC Interlachen is the full-time position responsible for the direct leading of the student ministry. They will report directly to the Senior Pastor, but will be under the authority of the church.


To glorify God through the service of His church by equipping the saints to do the work of the Gospel in the primary capacity of supplementing the discipleship of students into healthy followers of Jesus and partners in the Gospel.


To teach the character of Jesus Christ as a testament and witness to the Kingdom of God and to live that character in love to others as Jesus did.

To lead the students in discipleship purposes and goals that are a part of churchwide ministry.

To train and equip leaders, relevant staff, and volunteers for the ministry of the Gospel to students.

To grow students in biblical knowledge, theological knowledge, and lifestyle of mission work in their everyday life.

Qualifications: (I Timothy 3:1-13)

1. Demonstrates godly character in all capacities

2. Manages own household well as demonstrated in shepherding spouse and children, if applicable, as well as in maintaining financial stewardship in the home

3. Proven record of working in ministering to others

4. Proven ability to vision cast and equip leaders/volunteers to implement the vision

5. Proven ability to rightly teach God’s Word, particularly to students

6. Works well within a team but also self-motivated and can self-manage

Job Objective:

1.    Oversee the discipleship and fellowship of the Student Ministry under the leadership of the Senior Pastor and maintain an office at FBCI, hours to be discussed and set by Senior Pastor.

2.    Have the freedom to serve/attend local, state and national Southern Baptist Convention events as God leads and opportunities arise.

3.    That any/all curriculum, programs, outings, etc. must be approved by the Senior Pastor.

4.    Under leadership of the church leaders, cast a one-year and three-year vision, with tangible and actionable goals, for the student ministry to ensure coordination of Sunday and Wednesday activities as well as with the wider family ministry mission and program.

5.    Will enlist, disciple, train, and motivate adult church members to serve in the Student Ministry, in cooperation with the church staff.

6.    With the assistance of pertinent volunteers, design and oversee opportunities for spiritual growth and disciple-making, such as retreats, conferences for students and families.

7.    Design, oversee and lead as primary teacher in Wednesday night student worship gathering.

8.     Personal mentorship with students incorporating them into the wider ministry of the church, and assist in mentoring students called to a ministry vocation.

9.     Network with other evangelical youth leaders in the community to support youth in starting and strengthening school campus ministries.

10. Define training program(s) for student ministry leaders and volunteers for their specific role, providing opportunities to directly involve them in mission and ministry work both locally and outside the community.

11. Implement communication plan to keep staff and volunteers abreast of current events and happenings through relevant announcements/advertisements.

12. Coordinate and implement the annual student ministry budget using established guidelines.

13. Make necessary visits to families always being mindful of the ever-changing needs of the students and their families. Provide events for parents of students related to their role in participating in their children’s lives.

14. Be mindful of confidentiality, that it is of the highest priority and be very sensitive to all conversations held in trust. Always be mindful of being alone with any student or adult, preserving personal integrity to protect his reputation and that of the church, calling on the assistance of another adult when needed.

Experience required:      Leader in some capacity of student ministry

Education required:       Ministry degree or have completed 1 year towards a degree

Job type:                       Full time

Location:                       115 North County Road 315, Interlachen, Florida 32148


E-mail:                          [email protected]

About First Baptist Church of Interlachen

We are the third largest church in the St. Johns Baptist Association in an area with great potential for growth

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Some college

Date Posted
3 years ago
Interlachen, Florida


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