Senior Pastor

Bethel Baptist Church

Job Description


Senior Pastor, Full Time

Bethel Baptist is looking to hire a full time Senior Pastor who exemplifies and helps fulfill our mission to become passionate Christ followers who grow, connect, serve, and tell.



  • Disciples and equips believers for the work of ministry by weekly preaching and teaching of the Word through the pulpit as well as smaller group settings.
  • Employs a variety of expository and topical preaching methods.
  • Oversees the administering of the ordinances.


  • Seeks God’s direction and develops God’s vision for our church, collaborating with the Board of Elders, in a way that maximizes our spiritual gifts and resources available. 
  • Works to accomplish that vision in cooperation with the lay leaders, committees, and church body. 
  • Seeks to find new ways and additional resources to accomplish God’s plan for our church.


  • Membership required on the Board of Elders as well as assisting ministry boards and committees in order to accomplish the mission of Bethel Baptist Church.  
  • Develops and supervises the church staff, providing counsel, encouragement, and Christian discipline to aid in the accomplishment of objectives for each staff member.
  • Cooperates with other evangelical churches in the greater Marquette area when there is a common purpose and vision.
  • Keeps a current ministry profile which is annually reviewed, evaluated, and if necessary adjusted, in conference with the Board of Elders.


  • Passionately leads the church to seek to win people who do not know Jesus or haven’t fully surrendered to Him.
  • Instrumental in strengthening and developing outreach ministries.


  • Leads by example in areas of personal prayer, bible study, evangelism, and family life.
  • Seeks opportunities to disciple individuals as well as groups within Bethel Baptist Church in order to accomplish God’s plan for us.
  • Guides us in the discovery of our gifts, prepares us to use our gifts, and holds us accountable to be impactful in our sphere of influence.


  • Master’s degree, preferably a Master of Divinity, or a higher degree from a recognized evangelical seminary. 
  • Willing to participate in educational and enrichment opportunities.
  • Currently an ordained minister.
  • Five or more years of experience in pastoral ministry in a role that involved preaching and preferably supervision of staff. 
  • Agrees with Bethel’s constitution and statement of faith. 
  • Must pass a criminal record background check. 
  • Citizen of the United States.
  • Applicants must register and apply for position at


  • Salary and benefits package commensurate with experience and education

Experience Required
6 – 10 years


Education Required
Master’s degree

Date Posted
3 years ago
Marquette, Michigan


Church Size