Youth Ministry

Advent Lutheran Church

Job Description

Job Title

Youth Ministry Director

Reports to

Senior Pastor

Pay range

$15.00 - $25.00 per hour


20 hours per week flexible schedule


Job Summary

Advent Lutheran Church seeks to share the Good News of God’s love for all people and equip the next generations to live out faith-filled lives. The Youth Ministry Director will be responsible for leading and coordinating the congregation's efforts to develop relationships and implement programs that will engage youth and families within our congregation and wider community.


Duties and responsibilities

●       Recruit, train, and supervise teachers, leaders, and other volunteers to meet the education program needs of the church, and assist in the classroom on a rotating schedule

●       Develop or obtain curriculum for educational programs.Establish meaningful personal relationships with the young people in the congregation and their families and community by investing in their lives.

●       Responsible for assuring that children and youth are considered and included within the life of the Church

●       Use social media skills to expand Advent's reach and engage a broader membership base including younger people and families

●       Plan activities that are relevant and effective in instructing, training, nurturing, and equipping youth for leading a Spirit-filled life of faith and forging deep Christian friendships.

●       Assist in planning, promoting, and running intergenerational events

●       Perform related administrative duties of the position

●       Other duties assigned by the Senior Pastor

●       VBS, Trunk or Treat, Christmas Pageant and other holiday events


●       Demonstrated experience in youth ministry

●       Passion for working with children and youth to engage and nourish their Christian faith

●       Social media savvy

●       Bachelor's degree in youth ministry preferred but not required

●       Theological training or study

●       Able pass background check and complete child safe training

Working conditions:

●       The Youth Ministry Director position requires flexible hours. Expectation is that the Director will be present for worship and education time on most Sunday mornings. The actual numbers of hours required during any given week are those needed to fulfill the responsibilities of the position. It is recognized that the schedule may vary at different times of the year. We estimate an average of 20 hours per week.

Approved By:

Youth Director Search Team

About Advent Lutheran Church

Advent Lutheran Church in Mentor OH is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are a active suburban congregation that, like others, has been hit hard by covid. A once active youth ministry has stalled. We are looking for a motivated individual who has a heart for children and youth (and their families!). An ideal candidate would be willing to work with the few youth we currently have while also developing and promoting youth activities for the community.

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Some college

Date Posted
3 years ago
Mentor, Ohio


Church Size

Social Media Accounts