Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Community Life

The First Baptist Church of Redlands

Job Description

The First Baptist Church of Redlands, CA 

Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation and Community Life



The Associate Pastor for Spiritual Formation and Community Life will serve as one of the pastors of The First Baptist Church of Redlands. Our intergenerational church has a fruitful 134-year history and we want to build on that legacy as we move into the future. This person, in cooperation and coordination with the Senior Pastor, Staff, the Christian Education Commission (and all other appropriate commissions), will administer, coordinate, resource, evaluate, and “grow” the Spiritual Formation programs and activities of the church. They will also actively engage with the local community. The Associate Pastor will oversee and develop media and technology to communicate within the congregation, to promote the church in the community, and to resource worship and Spiritual Formation within the life of the congregation.


A well-qualified candidate will have:

  • a vital and growing faith in Jesus Christ
  • an ongoing commitment to and enthusiasm for learning and growing in their ministerial abilities
  • administrative skills to oversee and coordinate Spiritual Formation and Christian Education ministry, including:
  • children, youth and adult Sunday School
  • mid-week (Wednesday) education programming
  • other educational activities and study groups
  • the skills to recruit and coordinate training for leaders and teachers within the Spiritual Formation realm of the church.
  • the ability to work with the Senior Pastor, staff, appropriate commissions and leaders to adapt, develop, and grow the educational programs and activities of the church to promote continued spiritual development of the congregation, individually and corporately
  • a “second nature” interest and ability in technology, social media and other forms of communication, and the ability to recruit people to work with the staff to communicate within the congregation, to promote the church within the community and to use various aspects of media and technology in the spiritual formation activities of the church
  • the ability to connect with college students and people working in Higher Education.
  • a willingness to take initiative, try new ideas, and pursue creative and innovative approaches to projects.
  • an understanding of Spiritual Formation, practical ministry, and pastoral care
  • a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion of all within the life of the church and community
  • curiosity about, comfort with, and appreciation for diverse theological perspectives
  • strong interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills, and the ability to relate to and communicate with a broad spectrum of educational levels, ages, and theological perspectives.
  • a Master’s Degree or equivalent, have a strong theological and biblical understanding and be comfortable in an academic environment.
  • a Standard Ordination in the American Baptist Churches, USA, or a willingness to pursue such ordination.


This is a full-time ministerial position with benefits including medical, retirement, continuing education.


Interested applicants should submit a resume/CV and a statement of interest by email to [email protected]


Formal review of applications will begin August 1, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled

About The First Baptist Church of Redlands

We believe that all people are created in the image of God for enjoying fully the goodness of life as they grow in love for God and neighbors near and far. That in Jesus, God draws close to us, extending to us forgiveness, hope, renewal, and guidance. That God's Holy Spirit is actively working in, through, among, and even in spite of us—transforming our lives and world. That the Bible speaks to us today, helping us understand our need for God and God's gracious coming to us in Christ.

Our mission is to share with our families, neighbors and friends the love of God made real to us in Jesus Christ and to be a vital force for divine goodness, truth, and mercy in our community and around the world. This is the mission we strive to embody in our church's programs and express in our daily lives. Our mission is grounded in Holy Scripture, renewed in worship, encouraged in fellowship, enriched in diversity, strengthened in unity, expressed in service, and fulfilled in Love. As a congregation and as individuals, The First Baptist Church of Redlands seeks to express the fullness of God's love in both word and deed. We do not claim to be perfect, but we believe that even in our imperfections, God's love and grace can make a difference in our lives and world. Jesus shares the good news that God accepts us where we are and helps us to grow and thrive as God's children. We do not believe that everyone needs to agree on every matter of faith and practice. Differences need not divide, but enrich, challenge, and affirm. We are united in our confidence that God desires to empower us in service as we commit ourselves to grow in Christ's love and grace.

Experience Required
10-15 years


Education Required
Master's Degree

Date Posted
2 years ago
Redlands, California


Church Size

Social Media Accounts