Preteen Ministry Director

New Covenant Community Church

Job Description

Job Description


Job Title

Preteen Director

Date: August 2023


Student Ministry

Reports To

Connections Pastor

Part Time

20 Hours per week



Position Purpose:

To lead, direct, develop and grow the Preteen Ministry (SURF) of New Covenant Community Church and its mission: Love and lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus.


Job Summary:

To disciple 5th and 6th graders through Biblical truth to prepare them for Junior High by creating fun, engaging environments where students experience belonging in a loving community.


Essential Responsibilities:

1. Commitment to lead and develop the SURF team.

• Recruit, train, equip and encourage SURF leaders to be effective and spiritually mature.

• Develop a strong team of leaders to invest in the lives of students through ongoing training          

  and team building.

• Create and maintain new volunteer opportunities within the SURF ministry.


2. Provide sound teaching of God’s Word to students.

• Prepare and teach Biblically sound messages that are engaging and relevant to the life of

 preteens. (Sunday morning and Wednesday night)

• Recruit and develop other SURF ministry leaders to teach.

• Select and guide implementation of any curriculum.

• Research and evaluate teaching strategies.


3. Create fun and engaging environments to connect students in community.

• Wednesday night service                                                                                           

• Sunday morning Service

• Camps, retreats, and conferences

• Outreach events                                                                                                       

• Small Group Gatherings


4. Partner with parents in the spiritual development of their student.

• Provide resources for parents, keep parents informed on events and what students are learning -  

 walk with parents through tough phases and difficult decisions.

• Encourage, pray for, meet with, counsel and be available to parents.


5. Collaborate with Junior High and High School Pastor.

• Work together to ensure a seamless transition from SURF to Junior High.

• Work together to build familiarity with Junior High Pastor and SURF students.


6. Collaborate with Children’s Director for Vacation Bible Adventure (VBA/X).

• Work together to plan and implement an exciting and spiritually vibrant week of VBA/X.


7. Other duties and responsibilities.

• Lead or participate in regular staff meetings and other meetings or events as specified by the

 Connections pastor.

• Assist in the preparation of Sunday, Wednesday, or other special services and events as needed.

• Perform other duties as directed by the Connections Pastor.


Key Success Factors (and Fit):

• A respected leader of Godly character – when people hear your name there is a strong, positive,

  confident reaction that things will be led well.

• Strong Biblical knowledge and ability to communicate effectively.

• A leader that attracts and develops people of high integrity to be part of their team.

• Someone that will pour into team members through coaching, correcting and challenging.

• A creative thinker who works hard to engage students and attract new students.  

• A leader that models servant leadership and is easily teachable.

•An emotionally stable leader with a healthy and balanced family/home life.


Education and Experience:

• Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution preferred.

• Volunteer or paid experience in either children’s, preteen, or youth ministry.



• Upholds New Covenant Statement of Faith (available upon request).

• Models the characteristics of a Deacon/Pastor as laid out in 1 Timothy 3.




Spiritually Mature/Growing

Shows Self-Awareness

Good Team Member

Communicates Effectively

Manages Conflict

Builds Effective Teams

Action Oriented

Develops Talent

Ensures Accountability

Drives Vision/Purpose

Instills Trust



About New Covenant Community Church

New Covenant Community Church mission to to love and lead people into a

growing relationship with Jesus Christ. We are an outward-focused, mission-minded

church in a highly-rated school system in North Fresno. Our community is filled with

young families who are searching for something meaningful and genuine to build their

lives around. We have an active children’s program that includes Wednesday and

Sunday ministries.

We also have a growing sports ministry outreach in the community that is designed to

draw many families to look into Jesus Christ as the way to life everlasting.

We are ready to help as many families possible to help them take the next step of faith

by creating groups and environments that connect them to Jesus and one another in

everyday life.

Experience Required
1-5 years


Education Required
Some College

Date Posted
1 year ago
Fresno, California


Church Size
500-750 people

Social Media Accounts