Student Ministry Director

New Life Bible Fellowship

Job Description

STUDENT MINISTRY DIRECTOR SCORECARD NEW LIFE MISSION Cultivating a community that enjoys God and transforms the world through the Gospel. MISSION AND STRATEGY OF THE STUDENT MINISTRY DIRECTOR The Student Ministry Director is responsible for creating, managing, and executing all facets of the Student Ministry Discipleship process for students and their families, trusting the Bible as the source of all truth and knowing that life is better together. THE POSTURE OF THE STUDENT MINISTRY DIRECTOR FAITHFUL to God and family, AVAILABLE as a leader and shepherd, and TEACHABLE with hunger and humility. ROLE OF THE STUDENT MINISTRY DIRECTOR > As you STAY CONNECTED to God, you encourage and contribute to the spiritual growth of current and potential leaders, students and parents at New Life. > LEAD a team of leaders, coaches, and ministry associates. > PRAY for your leaders and families often. > PROVIDE CARE in big and small ways for those under your care. > CREATE environments where students can grow to know Christ. OUTCOMES (RESPONSIBILITIES) > Create, develop, and execute the annual strategic plan for Student Ministry in line with a family ministry philosophy that creates an environment where students and their families feel welcome, known, and loved as they become fully devoted followers of Christ. Here are some metrics to help measure your success: • 8-10% of average weekly attendance attending Student Ministry service. • New students and families are personally connected within 2-3 weeks. • Engage 4-6 students each week with the desire that every student will connect with the Student Ministry Director at least twice a year. • Plan & execute events that encourage students to grow in their faith and to connect with their leaders, peers, and their community. (Summer Camps, Winter Camp, community nights, mission projects). • Oversee and implement the annual Student Ministry budget. > Lead and empower a dynamic group of leaders who inspire and challenge their teams to minister well to students and their families. • Oversight responsibilities include the Student Ministry Associate, Student Ministry Intern(s), Student Ministry Leaders & Coaches. • Conduct weekly check-ins with the Student Ministry Associate. > Oversee and implement the Leadership Pipeline program within the Student Ministry Team to develop and empower a connected group of leaders and students who recruit, care, coach, and equip students and leaders to become committed disciples of Jesus Christ. • Develop and direct a student leadership team which equips, coaches, and cares for their peers and executes the Student Ministry Annual Training. Jan 2024 • Recruit and lead a ministry team of coaches and leaders whose numbers reflect a healthy span of care on your part (ratio document). • Onboard new volunteer leaders in line with the church-wide onboarding process, responding to every inquiry about serving within the Student Ministry within one week. • Discover, develop, and deploy students, parents, and leaders (focus document). • Provide connection and leadership for events and teams as needed. > Create, develop, and execute an in-person and online strategic plan for Student Ministry that points students and their families to the truth of the gospel. • Develop engaging content and conversation opportunities for students within weekly Student Service and Connection groups. • Lead the creation of meaningful student content for the New Life website, Student Ministry emails and Student Ministry social media accounts. TIME COMMITMENT > You should expect to work 40-50 hours per week. PREREQUISITES > Experience with strategic planning and student ministry > Track record of developing other leaders and coaches > A life-long learner with a bachelor’s degree or higher preferred > At least 3 years of experience in a Student Ministry leadership role > Be aligned with New Life’s • Vision and Mission • 30 Core Competencies • Elder Teaching Doctrinal Statement • Culture Statements • Student Ministry Philosophy of Ministry • Policy and Procedure Manual The first four documents may be found at HELPING YOU WIN > Co-Lead Pastor is your supervisor • You will meet weekly with your supervisor >Participate in Pastor/Director huddles bi-monthly >Participate in bi-monthly staff meetings, the yearly staff retreat, and other staff gatherings TO BE SUCCESSFUL HERE > To fit well within our staff you will strive to: • Be God-Dependent: We actively depend on God and are growing in our practice of spiritual disciplines and Sabbath • Prioritize: We invest our time in the responsibilities that most impact New Life’s mission Jan 2024 • Have God-Sized Goals: We walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, working hard to achieve God’s big purposes for New Life • Multiply: We equip and reproduce leaders • Be Self-Aware: We are actively growing in the awareness of our depravity and sin • Align Strengths: We are deepening our understanding of our strengths and aligning our lives and scorecards with them • Be Peacemakers: We assume the best of others, and deliver truth with kindness • Develop Authentic Trust: Through our authenticity, we are able to develop trust with others • Have/Be Fun: We infuse our work with joy and laughter • Display Humble Leadership: We receive correction and lead with empathy >To function well in this position you will need to be: • Proactive: you see what needs to be done and take initiative • Capable of developing people (staff or volunteers) into leaders • Collaborative: Be organized, plan well, work well with leaders and teams • A strategic thinker with an ability to recruit “A” players • Driven by a heart for parents and students; an investor in others’ spiritual development 

About New Life Bible Fellowship

We are a local body of Jesus Christ, independent of any specific denomination. However, we eagerly partner with others to fulfill His mission. Jesus is the leader of New Life. Our structure is only to help us follow Him. We value how Jesus expresses Himself through every member of His body.

We believe the Bible is the only inspired, inerrant written Word of God. We believe in one God, eternally and perfectly united in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in salvation as a gift from God, apart from anything we have ever done it is given to us by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

New Life is simply a collection of Christ-followers with resolute faith. We believe that if we love God and let Him show us how to love each other, the world will take notice! We have observed with our own eyes that God’s grace is sufficient. We know by experience that His mercy is everlasting. And for over 60 years He has proven to us that His love never fails.

Experience Required
1-5 years


Education Required
Bachelor's Degree

Date Posted
7 months ago
Tucson, Arizona


Church Size
1,000-2,500 people

Social Media Accounts