The principal function in the B.Y.G is to design, structure, and lead a program that focuses on building young disciples for Christ. The areas of focus are small groups, gospel preaching, bible study, mission work, Christ-centered worship, events, and evangelism. The environment should consist of a heavy dose of relationship building, with a hearty emphasis on serving. In doing so these combinations will yield young, Godly students empowered with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Prepare and manage a yearly budget.
- Communication with all youth workers weekly.
- Develop a method of getting lessons and materials to teachers.
- Conduct bi-yearly training for all youth workers (include a review of church policies and background checks, to ensure they are up to date. Go over state guidelines and laws as it requires to reporting abuse, etc.). Also, offer a time of feedback that includes suggestions of needed changes or improvements.
- Attend a Youth Conference at least once every two years.
- Be available for students and/or parents. This can be in person or over the phone.
- Keep up with numbers of salvations, baptisms, and attendance.
- Have an organized system that includes Medical Information, Student Information, and any other forms or documents that are needed in case of an emergency.
- Have a safe and effective check-in/out system.
- Help with Taylor County Camp
- Support youth in their school setting.
- Visit TCMS and TCHS for lunch once a week.
- FCA on Thursday mornings.
- Involve Youth on Family Day (Every 5th Sunday)
- Recruit workers with a heart to serve.
- Plan Summer Camps, Retreats/D-Now, Senior Day, Concerts, Trips, and other outings
Wednesday Night Services
● Coordinate Music and Media with Youth Band.
● Prepare a weekly message
● Limit game nights/movie nights to once a quarter
● Keep all volunteers involved and informed - have regular scheduled meetings
● Prepare any games or activities before the service
● If food or snacks are to be served, make sure everything is purchased and prepared
before the event