Job Description

Job Overview and Purpose:

The Lead Pastor must be committed to the vision, mission and values of Spring Branch Community Church. The Lead Pastor has the primary responsibility for preaching and teaching, leading a collaborative worship team model, communicating vision, and shepherding our community spiritually and relationally by modeling what it looks like to love God and love people. This is done under the authority of the Elders and shared leadership with the ministry staff. The Lead Pastor is ultimately responsible to Christ who is the head of the Church. The Lead Pastor will be a member of the church, the Elder Board and will operate under the by-laws of the Church.



The Lead Pastor leads the collaborative worship team in the areas of preaching and teaching under the guidance and authority of Jesus Christ. Typically devotes a significant portion of his time toward the preparation of preaching and teaching, and preaches at weekly services approximately two-thirds of the time, including major holiday services. Equip and encourage other SBCC pastors, staff, and/or ministry leaders to teach/preach during the balance of the time. Guest speakers not on staff, with Elder Board approval, may also be used during certain times when the Lead Pastor isn’t preaching/teaching. Message content should be primarily Biblically-based, conveying God’s wisdom, instruction and revelation. Message format and delivery should be creative, relevant to the Church and crafted in a way that builds believers and reaches seekers. Communication should be crafted to reach a broad range of age groups and a large, diverse congregation. Able to convey complex biblical truths in a clear, relatable and applied manner. Lead the programming & worship team to plan relevant and creative services that connect to the message series.


  • The Lead Pastor, in conjunction with the Elders, demonstrates watchful and responsible concern for the integrity of the total ministry of the church.
  • Work diligently to foster Spring Branch Community Church’s stability, vision, growth, and expansion; and to train and equip Christians for the work of the ministry.
  • Is responsible for effectively communicating the mission and vision of Spring Branch Community Church to the staff, ministry leaders, volunteers and congregation.
  • Participate with the Executive Team for the vision planning process with the staff and ministry leaders, as well as the planning of the annual leadership retreat(s), as appropriate.
  • Participate with the Elders and Executive Team to address future needs of the church.
  • Collaborate with the Elders and Executive Team regarding ministries, budgeting, financial management, personnel and building upkeep.
  • May or may not be required to provide executive level oversight over management of church operations.
  • Promote, educate and advocate responsible scripturally based stewardship of time, talent and treasure.
  • Promote and personally engage in our community/mission fund and mission engagement locally and globally.

Pastoral Responsibilities

As Shepherd, the Lead Pastor models the heart of the Chief Shepherd and ensures that the Church is well led, cared for, fed, and protected. Lead the body in becoming a people of prayer deeply aware of their dependence on the Lord and their need to be in continuing communication with Him. Share pastor responsibilities such as visitation, counseling, worship services, baptism, communion, weddings, and funerals with the pastoral team. Model discipleship through relational engagements.


• SKILLS/KNOWLEDGE: Excellent oral and written communication skills, strong interpersonal

skills, gifted communicator and expositor of God’s Word, high relational bent with an emphasis

on caring for staff and leaders

• EDUCATION: Master’s Degree from an accredited Christian institution, seminary, or School of Divinity

required. MDiv or equivalent preferred.

• EXPERIENCE: Minimum of 5 years of experience in a pastoral function at a church of 50

or more families required. More than 5 years as a teaching pastor in a church of 200 or more

families preferred

• LEADERSHIP: Engaged as a humble leader of leaders, both staff and volunteer.

• SPIRITUAL GIFTS: Pastor/Shepherd, Leadership, Teaching, Encouragement and/or Mercy

• PASSION: Zealous and industrious in ministry to expound God’s Word, to equip leaders to do

the work of the ministry, and to advance the mission and vision of Spring Branch Community


• DOCTRINAL POSITION: Embraces SBCC’s statement of faith and essentials

• ROLE: This is a full-time, ordained pastoral position.

Attributes & Behavior

The Lead Pastor:

  • Meets all the requirements set out in the By-Laws of SBCC, including scriptural mandates found in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
  • Maintains a healthy, vibrant, and growing relationship with Jesus.
  • Practices regular prayer and recognizes its significant role within the church.
  • Maintains growing relationships with spouse and family.
  • Is a steadfast person of humility, grace, and love.
  • Exhibits authenticity, steadiness, integrity, transparency and Christ-centered confidence.
  • Is growing, both personally and in ministry, regularly seeking to learn new ways of being and of doing ministry.
  • Demonstrates compassion, empathy and relatability.
  • Maintains person(s) to hold accountable in personal life.
  • Works towards a balance of healthy living for body, mind, and soul

About Spring Branch Community Church

We began this journey May 1993. We value creativity in the way we bring the Gospel to those who are searching and to those who have a relationship with Christ. We are a church that loves God, loves people and makes disciples of Jesus Christ for all ages. Our Children's and Student Ministry is place that teaches the Bible in fun and creative ways. We value small groups. We were made for community and we offer many options for those who want to get connected in community. We are a mission minded church. Both locally and globally. We are looking for a Bible teaching Pastor who will go with us and show us some new and creative ways how to continue on this journey He has for us.

Experience Required
5-10 years


Education Required
Master's Degree

Date Posted
2 months ago
Virginia Beach, Virginia


Church Size
500-750 people

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