The Pastor has a deep and abiding love of the Lord Jesus Christ and leans on Him for continual guidance and direction. He is a student of the Word, who demonstrates the love and grace of God in his relationship with others. He is a man of high ethical and moral standards, open and candid, with a heart for the lost, who will represent Christ well in the Christian community and our local area. He holds or is working toward a minimum of a Master's level Seminary Degree in addition to having prior church pastoring experience.
Position Overview
The pastor is responsible for the shepherding of the church and, together with the church leadership, setting the spiritual direction and ministry goals of the church. He shall seek to promote and support:
The pastor shall concern himself with his personal spiritual growth and development by engaging in personal study, prayer, educational opportunities, and the exercise of his spiritual gifts to God’s glory.
The pastor shall strive to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Ministry Duties
Sermons/Preaching must:
Foster and encourage the small group and prayer ministries of the church.
Develop and train ministry leaders.
Prayerfully develop and encourage a culture of discipleship.
Conduct baptisms, weddings, pre-marital counseling and funerals as appropriate.
Provide visitation to and counsel of the ill and those in need, physical or spiritual, along with the Pastoral Care Team, as time permits.
Oversee direct report personnel with the understanding that all personnel are fully accountable to the church elders and ultimate authority resides with the church elders.
Exhibits leadership qualities and vision tempered by humility. Leadership is by example, not by edict.
Participates well as a team player, with leadership qualities to define, plan, promote and implement the vision and ministries of Grace Chapel.
Understanding, patient, flexible and tolerant, with the ability to respect divergent views on non-essential issues.
Comfortable working with and alongside women across all roles.
Skilled at and desires to build community.