☐ Function as a member of the Family Ministry Team, under
the supervision of the Family and Discipleship Pastor and
in conjunction with the Crosslink Kids Director
☐ Lead a weekly Student Ministry Meeting by teaching a
large group lesson, organizing small group discussions,
& overseeing fellowship through games
☐ Engage and connect with Students weekly
☐ Engage and connect with parents regularly
☐ Provide students and parents with clear communication
concerning upcoming events
☐ Develop a team of caring adults, parents, & older
students to encourage, equip & empower students,
provide leadership, & assist with special events
☐ Collect and maintain Student information database
☐ Maintain Crosslink Students social media accounts &
Crosslink Students page of church website
☐ Plan other opportunities for students to engage in outreach,
service projects and fellowship events throughout the year
☐ Attend weekly staff meetings—Wednesdays @ 9:30AM
Seasonal Events
☐ Plan and schedule summer weeklong experiences
☐ Plan and schedule weekend retreats
☐ Organize fundraising opportunities
Candidate must affirm
the Baptist Faith and
Message 2000
Crosslink Church Mebane is looking for someone to lead Crosslink Students (6th–12th grade)
as a part-time employee. The goal of Crosslink Students is to work alongside parents to equip
students to Love God, Love People, & Make Disciples.
Our mission statement is simply a combination of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). God created humanity to have a perfect relationship with Him. We were designed to worship Him and enjoy Him forever. When sin came into the world, that relationship was severed. Through the gift of Christ’s death and resurrection, we can once again know peace with God. The purpose of every person is to love and worship God. The mission of the Church is to lead every person to saving faith through a relationship with Jesus Christ. We Love God because He loves us. We Love People because God loves all people. We Make Disciples because Jesus is a disciple maker.
As a member of the Southern Baptist Convention, our doctrinal guidelines and church bylaws serve to further reinforce our church’s beliefs.