Position Overview:
The Associate Pastor is the primary shepherd for our Community Groups. They will oversee the Community Group leaders and overall vision, strategy and implementation of discipleship within these groups so that our people may know, show, and share Christ’s love.
The Associate Pastor will also be responsible for our Connections Ministry. This important ministry helps people move from first-time guests to involved members. The pastor will discern where people are in their spiritual journey, and help them get involved in our church family and ministries, so that they may be new creations who help others become new creations (aka disciples of Jesus).
The Associate Pastor is the champion of our Discipleship Pathway, ensuring in partnership with the Senior Pastor, that we are intentionally and relationally helping our people know, show, and share Christ’s love better than they were before.
Specific Responsibilities
1. To recruit, train, and oversee the Community Group volunteer leaders. This includes an annual training for veteran and new leaders, plus quarterly check-ins with leaders to equip and encourage.
2. To reach out to local organizations and schools to find and/or create opportunities for Community Groups to serve the community and live out our mission and vision.
3. To find, create, and discern biblically based, Christ-honoring curriculums for our Community Groups.
4. To recruit, train, and oversee the Connections Team
5. To promote, invite, prepare, and facilitate Starting Point (i.e. a quarterly, short introduction and lunch for new(er) guests to get to know the heart of FBCJC and leaders)
6. To promote, invite, prepare, and facilitate our Membership Class (i.e. a quarterly class for folks wanting to partner with FBCJC and call it home.)
7. To communicate to the administrative assistant and church on all Community Groups and Connection events.
8. To communicate with the Senior Pastor and Spiritual Leader Board ministry goals, evaluations, problem solving, and prayer support.
9. To prioritize personal spiritual and leadership growth by remaining professionally current in one’s areas of leadership and ministry through reading, studying, coaching training, seminars, and conferences. To make spiritual growth a priority through regular personal Bible study, prayer, service, and occasionally through retreating.
10. To preach - generally once a month
11. To fulfill other related duties as assigned in order to meet the needs of FBCJC.
**This position could potentially transition to becoming the senior pastor.