Lead Pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church

Fellowship Baptist Church

Job Description

The Lead Pastor works in harmony with the Staff and Leadership Team, understanding the beliefs, mission, values, and strategy of Fellowship Baptist Church. The Lead Pastor’s primary responsibilities center around what is outlined in Ephesians 4:11-12 and 1 Peter 5:2-3. As Lead Pastor, he strives to glorify God by providing ministerial oversight through shepherding the flock in spiritual and relational growth by modeling what it looks like to love God and love people.

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About Fellowship Baptist Church

Mission and Values

Fellowship Baptist Church exists to glorify God by making spiritually and relationally healthy disciples. To learn more about what drives us, what we value, and our strategies, you can visit our website.


On June 14, 1987, because of a previous church split, Fellowship was organized and met in the home of Mike and Sonnie Brown. In August of 1987, Pastor Dean Hartman accepted the call to become the first Pastor of Fellowship. In April 1988, the church grounds were dedicated to the Lord’s work, and the church held their first meeting in the basement in December of that same year. The first service was held in the auditorium on May 14, 1989. Pastor Dean served until his retirement in 2002. Warren Allen was Fellowship’s second Pastor from June 6, 2002, until December 22, 2013. Kenny Adams served as the Interim Pastor briefly until John Winders became Fellowship's third Lead Pastor from August 10, 2014 to December 12, 2021. Bobby Ludlow joined the church staff in January of 2020 as the Pastor for Family Discipleship. Bobby resigned as Pastor for Family Discipleship in January of 2023.


Fellowship has one current staff member.

  • Carmen Hudson has been the Administrative Assistant since October of 2015. Before that, she held various clerical positions within our community and served in various ways within the church including cleaning, teaching Sunday school, and coordinating volunteers. As Administrative Assistant, Carmen works with the pastoral staff in the day-to-day operations of the church as well as serves as Church Treasurer.

Sunday Worship and Discipleship Programs

On Sunday mornings, our faith family gathers for a time of singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and expositional preaching. Typically, our sermons are a study through a book of the Bible. On Sunday evenings, our NextGen Teens get together for a time of fun games, relationship building, and Bible teaching. On Wednesday nights, you’ll find many serving in Bible Explorers – our midweek NextGen Kids discipleship program. We are privileged to be able to minister to many children from our church and community. On a semester basis, you’ll find a few small groups, men’s and ladies’ groups, or connection classes that meet during the week or on Sunday mornings.

Community Outreach

Fellowship is involved in many ways with our community. We work with others to serve and show love to our community as we partner with the local laundromat, crisis pregnancy center, and nursing home. Additionally, we host many outward-oriented events throughout the year including VBS, an Easter Egg Hunt, Movies in the Park, the Fall Harvest Party, and more. We want the people of Linton to know that we exist, that we care for them, and most importantly that Jesus saves.

Church Family and Facilities

Our faith family currently consists of around 140 regular attendees. In 2019–March 2020, we averaged 170- 185 on Sunday mornings. When we began to regather in person during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, we averaged 100 in-person with others watching online on Sunday mornings. Currently, we average in the 110’s on Sunday mornings, 6-8 teens on Sunday nights, and 60 on Wednesday nights.

Fellowship sits on 6 acres of land with an upper and lower-level main building, a garage, an outdoor pavilion, and a playset. God has blessed our faith family as our grounds and facilities are debt free and we are financially stable.

Church Constitution and Statement of Faith

Fellowship Baptist Church is an Unaffiliated Baptist church. You can find our constitution including our Statement of Faith on our website.

Location of Linton and Fellowship

Linton is located in southern Indiana in Greene County. Linton is 45 minutes south of Terre Haute, an hour west of Bloomington, and an hour and a half southwest of Indianapolis. Fellowship Baptist Church is located on the west side of Linton.

Experience Required
5-10 years


Education Required
Bachelor's Degree

Date Posted
2 years ago
Linton, Indiana


Church Size

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