Assistant Pastor of Worship & Youth

Living Hope Community Church

Job Description

The qualified man who is offered this position is primarily expected to coordinate and lead worship in a biblical manner, play and sing music with excellence and joy, and lead and provide pastoral care for the Worship & Tech teams, as well as lead the Youth ministry through gospel centered teaching and close-knit relationships. This position also comes with occasional Sunday morning preaching opportunities.

Duties include:

  • Directing all LHCC worship services
  • Coordinating the Worship and Tech teams
  • Maintaining regular and consistent communication with the Pastor and the Worship & Tech teams
  • Supporting LHCC staff members with audiovisual needs
  • Lead Jr/Sr high Youth Ministry with a clear vision

About Living Hope Community Church

Located in the Peoria, IL metro area, Living Hope Community Church (LHCC) in Bartonville is a vibrant church looking for continual growth both spiritually and numerically. We are in need of the right man to fill the position of Assistant Pastor of Worship & Youth.

Our worship music is a blend of Christian contemporary and traditional hymns. We have several gifted musicians and sound booth techs. Our Jr & Sr High youth have a separate building for their use. Our sanctuary can seat 300 and our building is modern and in great shape with room to grow.

Our pastor, Dr Art Georges, has been our pastor since our church was planted almost 20 years ago. We have active men's, women's and children's ministries, AWANA, and are very supportive of local and global missions.

We have several part-time staff and many wonderful volunteers.

The greater Peoria area has much to offer and is a great place to live and raise a family.

Come and join us! You will find us to be a loving and caring church family who desire to grow in our faith and love for our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
Bachelor’s degree

Date Posted
3 years ago
Bartonville, Illinois


Church Size

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