Worship Director

Trinity Church

Job Description

Trinity Church in Chicago (tri.church) is looking to hire a full-time Worship Director. This role will focus on leading and developing Trinity’s worship expression and worship team. Candidates must have a strong faith, uphold the Bible, live in a Christ-like way, be gifted musically and vocally, as well as display christian leadership.

The Worship Director reports directly to the Senior Pastor and is responsible for overseeing other leaders and volunteers. Depending on their call and gifting, the Director role may evolve in the future. A life-long desire and commitment for city ministry is important, with the understanding that God can redirect this calling down the road.


  1. Create an atmosphere and culture of worship at Trinity.
  2. Effectively lead and develop Trinity’s worship expression and worship team.
  3. Develop meaningful relationships with worship team members.
  4. Lead special music projects.
  5. Assist in Trinity’s membership process.
  6. Develop a worship internship program.
  7. Teach 1-2 times a year.
  8. Connect with guests.
  9. Manage budgets for related areas of responsibility.
  10. Other responsibilities as requested by the Senior Pastor and/or leadership team. 


  1. Male leader.
  2. Previous related church experience.
  3. Qualifications in relevant/related fields is a plus.
  4. Live/relocate within a 1.5 mile radius of our meeting location (special circumstances considered).


Salary: Salaries are calculated on a mixture of comparative industry standards, cost of living, level of experience, life stage, and qualifications. Raises are based on performance and available funds.

Insurance: Full benefits are offered with full-time positions.

Reimbursable Expenses: Coffee shops, CTA, and some meals.

Training: Books and other learning resources. Includes Audible subscription.

Retirement Benefits: Full benefits are offered with full-time positions.

Conferences: Reimbursement for employee and family costs to attend Trinity conferences.


As part of the application candidates should provide a link to a video of themself performing a worship song. The video should be roughly five minutes or less.


As part of the application candidates should take these three assessments (they don’t take long) and provide the results as screenshots, PDFs, or something similar. Please do not provide links to your results page as these will not work.

  1. The Big Five: https://www.truity.com/test/big-five-personality-test 
  2. Strengthsfinder 2.0: https://high5test.com/strengthsfinder-free/ 
  3. DISC: https://www.123test.com/disc-personality-test/

About Trinity Church

See our about page: https://tri.church/about/

Experience Required
1 – 5 years


Education Required
High school diploma

Date Posted
3 years ago
Chicago, Illinois


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