The Associational Director of Missions is called by the Eastern Indiana Baptist Association to help pastors and churches fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.
This is a 10 hour a week part-time position, with compensation of $7,200 annually. This compensation will be evaluated annually, and increases will be determined by EIBA Admin team with the approval of the Executive board.
Principle Function
The EIBA A.D.O.M is responsible for assisting churches in planning, conducting, and evaluating church growth strategies, church revitalization strategies, and church planting strategies. This person will also serve as a pastor to the pastors and church staffs.
Qualifications for the Position
• A college graduate from an accredited four-year institution. A master’s degree from a seminary is preferred but not required.
• Must have a basic grounding in the Word of God, demonstrating an exemplary standard of personal morality and conduct.
• Must know the joy of a conversion experience and an everyday walk with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
• Can demonstrate a specific call to the Ministry.
• Should have a familiarity with typical church programs, activities, and Southern Baptist Life
• Model leadership and spirituality to the pastors and churches.
• Must be in physical health conducive for the position.
Must be an active, faithful member of a local Baptist church within the Eastern Indiana Baptist Association, and adhere to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000.
• Must have the ability and the love to relate to people.
The Associational Director of Missions is responsible to the Association for all his actions but is directly responsible to the EIBA Administrative Team and will consult this team with the laying out of plans and the implementing of programs.
Responsibilities/Duties of the Associational Director Of Missions
1. Coordinate the ministries of EIBA consistent with existing policies and current vision
a. Support EIBA Admin Team Leaders; provide resources as appropriate
b. Support and encourage EIBA pastors and staff.
c. Facilitate networking between churches
d. Identity, and implement, strategies for church growth, church revitalization and church planting in EIBA.
e. Identify, and implement, at least one associational mission event in coordination with the Associational WMU director.
f. Provide report at each Admin Team Meeting
2. Facilitate communication
a. Develop, and coordinate management of EIBA website & social media platforms
b. Develop and maintain current directory of churches; pastors/staff in coordination with the Eastern Indiana Baptist Association Secretary
3. Involvement in EIBA and SCBI
a. Attend EIBA Admin team meetings, Executive board meetings, Semi-Annual meeting and Annual meeting.
b. Be involved with the State Convention of Baptist of Indiana by attending the annual meeting. Attend any conferences that would be helpful to the position.
4. Perform other duties as requested by the EIBA Admin Team (within normal range of duties)
The Eastern Indiana Baptist Association exists to support and encourage Southern Baptist churches in Wayne, Randolph, Union, Rush, Fayette and Henry counties as they pray, give, and go on mission both locally and abroad.