Open Bible Baptist Church (OBBC) is a multicultural, multigenerational Southern Baptist church located in the southcentral part of Colorado Springs, CO. We are seeking a bivocational Pastor of Missions and Administration to serve on the church pastoral team, which includes approximately 100 members.
We desire a vibrant leader who demonstrates a lifestyle of integrity, commitment, and dedication to Jesus Christ and our church family. The ideal candidate will be an ordained pastor with at least three years of experience on staff at a church. He should be spiritually growing with a consistent walk with Christ, possess strong people skills, and the ability to work as part of a cohesive ministry team. He should also possess the ability to both teach and preach. This candidate must also be an internally motivated self-starter, detail-oriented, and capable of managing multiple projects and teams well.
Primary responsibilities include coordination and leadership of missions opportunities domestically and abroad. This pastor will directly supervise the church office manager and the leader of the church’s youth ministry. Also, the pastor will oversee OBBC’s facilities and will oversee Open Bible’s small group ministry and its leaders.
Preaching and Teaching opportunities will occur on selected Sundays and Wednesdays. Additionally, the Pastor of Missions & Administration will assist the church in ensuring that people of all ages are discipled to maturity in their faith in Jesus Christ.
Please send inquiries and/or resumes to [email protected]. Candidates can obtain additional information about OBBC at
The Pastor of Missions & Administration is responsible for developing a vibrant and active ministry to the members of Open Bible Baptist Church (OBBC) by leading with skill and integrity, mobilizing people for ministry and communicating Biblical truth in a meaningful and relevant way. The Pastor of Missions & Administration is accountable to the Lead Preaching/Teaching Pastor.
Pay: $1,050/month (with up to 12-15 hours/week)
Spiritual Qualifications
Professional Qualifications
Personal Qualifications
Education Qualifications
Open Bible Baptist Church (OBBC) is a multicultural, multigenerational Southern Baptist church located at the southcentral end of Colorado Springs, CO. We are seeking a bi-vocational Pastor of Missions and Administration to serve on the church pastoral team for a congregation of approximately 100.